Monday, July 30, 2012

the return to the land of Dante page 9

the return to the land of Dante page 9 by ric gustafson

After escaping the deadly winds, Aaron and the old man walked down a filthy corridor. They were soon soaked by sleet and freezing rain. They ran from the end of the corridor to a ramsackle tin hut. They walked inside and then could not believe what they saw. They saw a man who probably weighed close to a thousand pounds. In front of him was a long wooden table stacked high with cheeseburgers.
Next to the table was a demon holding a pitchfork. He poked the heavy man with the pitchfork. " Eat".
The man picked up a cheeseburger and began to eat it.
The demon noticed the two men standing along a far wall. " Well, if it isn't the old man and a new person". " Care to join the gluttons?".
" Why are you doing that to that poor man?" Aaron asked with pity in his eyes.
" Why" the demon cackled as he poked the heavy man again. " Frank, tell him why".
The heavyset man picked up another cheeseburger and began to eat it. " I spent so much time at Burger King and McDonalds with my own desires and wants, I lost my job, my marriage and did not care about God".
" Care to join  him?" the demon cackled as he poked Frank again. " We have an eternal supply of cheeseburgers".
" No" Aaron replied. They left.

research help: ' My visit to Hell' by Paul Thigpen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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