Thursday, July 5, 2012

the stranger who came to town page 10

the stranger who came to town page 10 by ric gustafson

" How long have you known Josh?" Homer asked as the Saturn Ion headed down the highway toward the Smokey Flats Motel.
" Our families already knew each other from church" Clarice replied as she played with her hair and opened the window. " I've known Josh ever since junior high school".
" Are you a christian Clarice?".
" Not like Josh". " I go to church with him but no I'm not a believer". She noticed Homer was adjusting his dark sunglasses. " Why do you wear dark sunglasses no matter what the weather?".
" My eyes are more adjusted to the dark than the light".
Clarice gave him a confused look.
" It's hard to explain". He changed the subject. " How is your arm and elbow?".
" Great" was her reply as she moved them up and down with ease. " Whatever you did thank you".
" Your welcome". He drove the Ion into a stall near the front door. He noticed that there was no cars in the parking lot. " Business is tough around here".
" Yes it is" Clarice replied with a sigh as she opened the passenger door and got out. " Thank you for the ride Mr Tang". She walked into the motel lobby.
Homer drove into the stall next to Room 12. For the next hour, he chanted and worshiped the golden calf statue.

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