Sunday, July 8, 2012

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 7

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 7 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman handed a assignment to the class. " Seperate yourselves from each other and work on this assignment alone". As they quietly worked on the assignment, he wrote something on the white board. Forty five minutes went by. " Pens down, look up at the board". " Tonight, we will be looking at the Contemplative Pathway". He looked at Helen Magee. " Helen, how did you feel working on the assignment by yourself?".
" Without distractions Mr Freeman, I reflected and concentrated more on the assignment".
" Good, did you need external stimulation to make that happen?".
" No".
" God wants to spend time with you through regular undistracted time alone".
" How do we do that Mr Freeman?".
" Listening to God in silence and solitude is one way to feel his presence".

research help: ' God is closer than you think' by John Ortberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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