Sunday, July 8, 2012

Spirtual Pathways 101 page 8

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 8 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman saw the time on the clock. " Let's get started" he said as he wrote something on the white board. " Tonight is the last night of class". " How many of you have visited the Grand Canyon?". Some hands went up. " Robert, how did you feel after seeing the Grand Canyon?".
The young man thought for a moment. " Watching his nature, I felt more in tune with God".
" Wonderful, by witnessing his creation God wants our spirits to open more for him".
" Which Pathway is this Mr Freeman?".
" This is called the Creation Pathway".
" How can we study this pathway?".
" Spend as much time outdoors as possible observing nature and God's creations".
" Thank you students for spending this class with me" he said with a smile. " Good luck".

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

research help: ' God is closer than you think' by John Ortberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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