Monday, July 16, 2012

the heart within page 2

the heart within page 2 by ric gustafson

Bruce wiped the dirt off of the rocket motor. The new Batmobile was running great and the TS8c modification was worth the change.
" Master Bruce".
He wiped off his tired hands with an old rag. " Alfred, I'm down here at the Batmobile".
The former butler walked up to the worktable next to the former scout vehicle. He put the morning paper next to Bruce's tool box. " Riley just delivered the paper".
" He's a good kid" Bruce said as he wiped off one of the solid rocket boosters. " He's curious about God".
" I've met his parents, they are very nice". The tall slender man with white hair hesitated and stood where he was.
" Was there anything else Alfred?".
" Yes Master Bruce, your Wayne Enterprises meeting is at 2:00".
" Thank you" Bruce replied with a grin. " I'm glad I made you my personal assistant".

research help: ' Wayne of Gotham' by Tracy Hickman

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