Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Beatitudes 2012 page 1

Beatitudes 2012 page 1 by ric gustafson

I stared out the window of my office at the beautiful summer sky. I noticed that a lot of coworkers were walking across the street to Murphy Park. I asked my coworker Frank if he wanted to eat in the park today for a change. He refused so I took my lunch out of the breakroom refrigerator and walked outside.
I crossed Northland Ave and entered the large park. I noticed a young man with a dark beard sitting on a tall mound of dirt. Around him were benches on which people were sitting eating their lunches. I sat down on one of the benches, opened my sack lunch and began to listen to the young man.

research help: ' A Beautiful Offering' by Angela Thomas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the stranger who came to town page 12

the stranger who came to town page 12 by ric gustafson

" Hello Mr Tang" Brandon said as he put the day's receipts in the safe under the lobby counter. " Have you decided to check out?".
" Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about". He smiled at Clarice. " How is the arm and elbow doing?".
" Great" she said as she looked down at them. " Thank you".
" Mr Marcotte, my travel and business plans have changed" he said with a strange grin. " I would like to stay here at the motel for a few more days". He took out his wallet and put some money on the front counter. " I assume it's still thirty a night as long as I eat at Flo's".
" That's right" Brandon replied as he took the money and put it into the safe. " I hope the room has been satisfactory".
" It's been just fine". He turned and walked toward the front door. Before he opened it, he turned around. " Mr Marcotte, I've been hearing a strange noise coming from my car". " I was wondering where the closest service station is".
" That would be Phipps service station just down the highway about a mile".
" Thank you". He walked outside toward the Ion.
" Let's get to work". Brandon went to the storage closet to get some cleaning supplies ready.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 30, 2012

the return to the land of Dante page 9

the return to the land of Dante page 9 by ric gustafson

After escaping the deadly winds, Aaron and the old man walked down a filthy corridor. They were soon soaked by sleet and freezing rain. They ran from the end of the corridor to a ramsackle tin hut. They walked inside and then could not believe what they saw. They saw a man who probably weighed close to a thousand pounds. In front of him was a long wooden table stacked high with cheeseburgers.
Next to the table was a demon holding a pitchfork. He poked the heavy man with the pitchfork. " Eat".
The man picked up a cheeseburger and began to eat it.
The demon noticed the two men standing along a far wall. " Well, if it isn't the old man and a new person". " Care to join the gluttons?".
" Why are you doing that to that poor man?" Aaron asked with pity in his eyes.
" Why" the demon cackled as he poked the heavy man again. " Frank, tell him why".
The heavyset man picked up another cheeseburger and began to eat it. " I spent so much time at Burger King and McDonalds with my own desires and wants, I lost my job, my marriage and did not care about God".
" Care to join  him?" the demon cackled as he poked Frank again. " We have an eternal supply of cheeseburgers".
" No" Aaron replied. They left.

research help: ' My visit to Hell' by Paul Thigpen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Seven Spirits of God: the Spirit of Life

the Seven Spirits of God: the Spirit of Life by ric gustafson

When Adam was created by God, he was a lifeless form. God breathed into him the breath of life and he became a living soul. God gives us a physical life and then a spiritual rebirth. This rebirth is for those who place their trust in God and believe that Jesus paid the price for sin and died for us.
Jesus said in John 10:10 that he came that they may have and enjoy life. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, the Spirit of Life comes to live in us and we are made alive in our spirit. John 1:4 says that in Jesus was life and the life was the light of men.
When Jesus comes into our heart and makes a home, the Spirit of Life comes with him.

research help: ' Knowing God Intimately' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 29, 2012

little drummer boy page 3

little drummer boy page 3 by ric gustafson

Eli woke up and noticed that the train was going through some fields. He was lying next to his new soldier friend Mick.
" Where are we going Mick?".
" West and then south".
The train passed through Indiana, Alabama and then stopped in Tennessee next to a railroad station.
" What are we doing here Mick?".
" Guarding this railroad".
Eli and the other soldiers of the 107th stepped out of the boxcar and were handed shovels to cut down trees.
Eli stared at his friend as they cut down branches. " Mick, what's it like being in a battle?".
" Eli, this last battle we were in called Chickamauga took a lot of the 107th's best men" he said as he cut off a branch and put it on the dusty ground. " The Rebs drove us out of Georgia".
" I have my drum, I'm ready to fight".
" Your opportunity will come".

research help: ' The Storm Before Atlanta' by Karen Schwabach

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

who do you say I am?

who do you say I am? by ric gustafson

Jesus and his disciples were walking toward a village near Caesarea Philippi. The day was hot and all of them were tired. The disciples were perplexed at the questions Jesus was asking them. Jesus asked them point blank ' who do people say I am?'.
Peter and the others thought for a moment. " Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah or maybe one of the prophets".
Jesus looked at them. " What about you, who do you say I am?".
Peter looked at Jesus. " You are the Christ".
Jesus smiled at Peter and the others. " Do not tell anyone about me". " I must suffer and be rejected by many" Jesus said as they kept walking. " I must be killed and then rise again in three days".
Peter pulled Jesus aside because he could not believe what he was hearing.
Jesus looked at Peter with a stern face. " Get behind me Satan, you do not have in mind the things of God but the things of men".

Everyone stay cool on this hot afternoon. Love Ric

little drummer boy page 2

little drummer boy page 2 by ric gustafson

Eli stood in front of the officer. " I am the enrolling officer of the 107th New York Volunteer Regiment". " Lieutenant Simpson, who do we have here?".
" This is Eli and he wants to be our new drummer".
The officer handed the boy a blue drum that had a red white and blue eagle on it. " Play something for us".
Eli picked up the worn drum and played a march tune and then a long roll.
Both officers smiled at each other. " I believe we have our new drummer".
The enrolling officer handed Eli a piece of paper. " Son, because of your age we need your father's permission".
" I don't have a father".
" What do you mean?".
" I look after myself".

research help: ' The Storm Before Atlanta' by Karen Schwabach

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 28, 2012

little drummer boy page 1

little drummer boy page 1 by ric gustafson

Eli Hall stood near a group of soldiers who were playing cards. " I want to join a regiment".
" Why do you want to do that for boy?".
" I want to be a drummer boy".
" How old are you?" asked one of the soldiers.
" Old enough" he replied as he noticed an officer approaching. " What's going on here?".
" This boy wants to join as a drummer".
The officer stared at Eli. " How old are you son?".
" Old enough to be a drummer Sir".
" The regiment is short a drummer boy" he said with a sad look on his face. " Come with me and we'll talk to the enrolling officer".

research help: ' The Storm Before Atlanta' by Karen Schwabach

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 27, 2012

Birdseye 2012 page 9

Birdseye 2012 page 9 by ric gustafson

 Clarence perfected a process called multiplate freezing. A large amount of frozen food was produced, it was frozen fast enough and quickly enough that air space was eliminated. One problem for Clarence was how to distribute his product. Clarence developed the continuous belt freezer that sprayed calcium chloride at -45 degrees. In 1929, the Post Company acquired General Seafoods.
Clarence was now in his mid forties and a millionaire. Eventually, Clarence became a salaried executive for Birdseye Frozen Food. In Gloucester, Clarence formed the Birdseye Electric Company.
After 1950, Birdseye had stiff competition from over five hundred brands of frozen food.
On October 7 1956, Clarence Birdseye died from heart failure. His wife Eleanor lived for twenty years after that.
Eleven years after his death, a character Captain Birdseye was invented. This captain had a white beard, a naval uniform and promoted frozen food.
Today, frozen food is a major international business just like Clarence Birdseye imagined it.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' Birdseye' by Mark Kurlansky

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Birdseye 2012 page 8

Birdseye 2012 page 8 by ric gustafson

One of the first innovations Clarence did was pack fish in waxed cardboard. In 1924, he began to pack fish fillets but money was running out. He and Eleanor had three small children to feed and Birdseye Seafoods was broke by the end of their first year. In 1924, the family moved to Gloucester Massachusetts. Clarence wanted to move their to build his frozen seafood company and also because their was an abundance of fish. Three wall street investors invested $ 375,000 to get Clarence's company going. He built his plant in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Gloucester. Clarence named his company the General Seafoods Corporation later to become General Foods.
The company started with haddock fillets frozen in cardboard boxes. Clarence developed a new machine to brine fish using salt water to speed up the freezing process. He also developed a new fish scale.
In 1927, his patent totally changed the frozen food industry forever. It was called multiplate freezing.

research help: ' Birdseye' by Mark Kurlansky

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Boat number 6 a

Boat number 6 a by ric gustafson

A British report puts this boat as the first one to leave the port side of the Titanic at 12:55 am.

On board 28 passengers.

According to the American inquiry, Officer Lightoller said that the boat was half way down when someone cried out that there was only one man in it. A man cried out " if you like I will go". This was Major Peuchen of Toronto. Officer Lightoller asked if he was a seaman and he replied that he was a yachtsman. He said if the man can somehow get into the boat, he can go.
According to Seaman Fleet, there were 23 women, Major Peuchen, Seaman Hitchens and himself. At one point  he heard Officer Lightoller shouting if there were any more women?.

research help: ' Titanic first accounts'

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Birdseye 2012 page 7

Birdseye 2012 page 7 by ric gustafson

The first frozen fish patent was awarded to Enoch Piper in 1862. He froze salmon under pans of ice and salt. After 24 hours, he dipped them in water for a glassy sheen. Small frozen fish operations began to spring up in coastal New England. Fish became the choice of frozen food experiments because it was the most difficult food to freeze. Frozen food production began in the Great Lakes and spread to the Pacific Northwest.
The first industrial freezer was the Ottoson brine freezer. Food was submerged in a brine solution at the freezing point. In 1921, Paul Peterson built the first indirect freezer. In 1923, Gordon Taylor developed the first freezer in which fish moved on a conveyor belt under cold water and then frozen with brine.
In 1923, Clarence started his own frozen fish company in New York for $20,000. He called his company Birdseye Seafoods. He cleaned fish, chilled them but did not freeze them and then shipped them in boxes. He quickly learned that the packaging was inadequate. He also figured out that the food not only did not freeze fast enough but that it wasn't cold enough.
Clarence experimented with calcium chloride in a solution that quickly dropped the temperature to -45 degrees Fahrenheit. He discovered fast freezing by letting the temperature drop from 33 degrees to 23 degrees and use small amounts of crystals.
In 1924, Clarence's quick frozen fish went on the market for the first time.

research help: ' Birdseye' by Mark Kurlansky

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

the stranger who came to town page 11

the stranger who came to town page 11 by ric gustafson

" Hi, Mr Marcotte" Clarice said as she entered the motel's lobby and saw Josh's dad vacuuming the carpeting.
Brandon saw her and turned off the vacuum. " Hi Clarice". He sat down at the big square table behind the counter. " Thank you for agreeing to help me around the motel".
" Your welcome". She sat down at the table and noticed that a football game was on the TV.
He put the day's receipts from the cash register and put them on the table. " Where's Josh?".
" He was talking to Pastor Winters". " Mr Tang gave me a ride here".
" Something about him gives me the chills".
" What do you mean!". She gave him a shocked look. " He's a nice man who cares about people".
He began to write down the day's receipts into a financial ledger. " How do you know that?".
" He healed me" she replied as she showed Brandon her elbow and arm. " He touched them and they were healed".
He closed the ledger and put the receipts into a manila folder. " How do you know he healed you?".
" I have no other explanation" she said as she nervously played with her hair. " I could barely lift them and now I can".
They heard the front door open.
" Good afternoon Mr Marcotte and Clarice" Homer said as he entered the lobby wearing a red polo shirt and dark pants.

Everyone take care. Love Ric

Birdseye 2012 page 6

Birdseye 2012 page 6 by ric gustafson

When Clarence came back to the United States in 1917, trouble in his family erupted. His father Clarence Sr and his brother Kellogg were involved in an insurance company scandal. The two in March of 1917 were sentenced to two years in prison.
Between 1920 and 1922, Clarence was the President of the Fisheries Association. This position pleased Clarence because of his two main interests, food and wildlife. A problem he pondered was how to get fresh fish to market in good condition. If only he could find a way to deliver fish to the customer as if it had just left the dock. The idea that he came up with was to preserve perishable foods by quick freezing. In 1922, the family moved to New Jersey and he began to share an ice cream plant to conduct his freezing experiments. His wife Eleanor was about to give birth to their third child.

research help: ' Birdseye' by Mark Kurlansky

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Birdseye 2012 page 5

Birdseye 2012 page 5 by ric gustafson

At this time in Clarence's life, the people of Labrador were suffering because of poor dieting. Fruits and vegetables had to come from Newfoundland. He also had to find a way to preserve food to feed his foxes. He began to ponder how he could keep fresh food frozen during the very cold Labrador winter. Clarence learned that the science of crystallization was a key to preserving food. He learned that freezing needed small crystals. Clarence observed that frozen food had a grainy texture and leaked juice.
Clarence decided to experiment first with vegetables. He took a barrel when the weather was really cold and put an inch of seawater at the bottom. Then he would put in the bottom a thin layer of cabbage. Then seawater again and then another layer of cabbage. He repeated it until he had a full barrel of cabbage. When he wanted some cabbage, he would take an axe and cut some of it out. It tasted like cooked fresh cabbage.
In April 1917, Clarence went back to the US after it entered the first World War. In 1918, their second child, Ruth was born.

research help: ' Birdseye' by Mark Kurlansky

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Light of the World

names of God: Light of the World by ric gustafson

John 8:12- ' Then spake Jesus again unto them saying I am the light of the world'

This term refers to God the Son. When the Fall came, we were in spiritual darkness. John chapters 8 and 9, Jesus says that he is the light of the world. When Jesus left this earth, the light did not go out. Each believer in Jesus is a candle bearer and Jesus as the Light of the World shines in each of us.
Jesus always shines a light in our spiritual darkness.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Mauretania miracle page 2

The Mauretania miracle page 2 by ric gustafson

Ralph Wilson opened the door of the lounge and quickly ran into the hallway. He had seen the smoking room steward coming toward him and as a second class passenger, he was not allowed in the lounge. The large room was beautifully designed with paneling in the manner of the Italian Renaissance.
He walked up some steel steps to the Boat Deck and walked up to the railing. From six decks above, he watched as the liner steered past Malin Head which was on the northern tip of Ireland.
He heard the morning bugle stating that breakfast was ready. He walked toward the Dining Saloon and hoped that he would see the young woman he had seen on the Boat Deck the night before.

research help: ' The Thief'' by Clive Cussler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Mauretania miracle page 1

The Mauretania miracle page 1 by ric gustafson

Madelyn Brighton walked along the Boat Deck as the giant liner tried to creep out of the Channel. She knew that hundreds of stokers were decks below shoveling coal so that the ship could start it's four and a half days run across the Atlantic. As the ship crossed the Mersey Bar and then left Liverpool, she finally felt safe.
As it got dark and the first class passengers began to go inside where it was warm, she noticed a gentleman standing next to one of the canvas covered lifeboats. It looke like he was holding a bible in his hand and reading it. She began to walk toward her First Class room which was along the Promenade Deck of the ship. She turned around and then frowned. The man was gone.

research help: ' The Thief' by Clive Cussler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 22, 2012

names of God: Chief Cornerstone

names of God: Chief Cornerstone by ric gustafson

Ephesians 2: 19-20- ' Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone'

This term refers to God the Son. When bricklayers raise a building beyond the foundation, they start with the corners. When the corners of a building are secured, the walls are built to support each other. The cornerstone is normally the first stone laid in a new building. In this passage, Paul is bringing together Jews and Gentiles together to help form what will become the modern church. Paul knew that Jesus Christ is that cornerstone that the church will be built on.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Birdseye 2012 page 4

Birdseye 2012 page 4 by ric gustafson

In 1912, Clarence Birdseye bought an outpost in Sandwich Bay which was 250 miles north of Battle Harbour Newfoundland. He started training a team of Labrador sled dogs for the harsh winter. In 1914, he was still working for the U.S. Biological Survey. He hired Perry Terhune to run his fox farm in the US. In Newfoundland, he studied the habits and lifestyles of mammals, birds and fish. The subject he was most interested in was about food. During the summer of 1914, the fur market was in terrible shape. Foxes were only selling for fifteen cents.
In July 1915, Clarence went to New Jersey and told his brother Kellogg that he was going to propose to Eleanor. Later that year, as husband and wife they flew to Labrador and Clarence began to build themselves a house in Muddy Bay. In September of 1916, they celebrated the birth of their first child, Kellogg.

research: ' Birdseye' by Mark Kurlansky

Everyone have a great Sunday. Love Ric

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mr Firecracker page 2

Mr Firecracker page 2 by ric gustafson

Erich walked up to the first tee. A young bearded man wearing white shorts, a white tshirt and a white visor was standing by the blue start box.
" Sorry I'm late" he said in a frustrated voice as he took his driver out of his bag. " I had to quickly test my blood".
" That's ok" he said with a smile. " I understand".
" That's good" he replied as he put a red tee into the ground and then put a ball on it. " Some people don't". He quickly glanced around. " What happened to Homer and Frank?".
" For some reason they had to leave". He took out a white ball and a white tee. " It appears that it is just you and me playing. He glanced down the fairway. " It looks like the group ahead of us is on the green". " Shall we start?".
" Sure".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the story of Sarai page 14

the story of Sarai page 14 by ric gustafson

Sarai watched as the five Egyptian princes walked toward their camels. " What's wrong Abram?".
" The border guards alerted the princes that a pretty maiden was coming".
The princes stopped the camels. The barechested men wore colorful sashes and crowns of gold.
Abram got down from his camel and talked to the men. After a while, he walked back to Sarai.
" I'm sorry my wife but they want to take you to meet Pharaoh".
" My husband no!".
" The princes have twenty guards here, we have no choice".
Sarai got down from her camel. Abram gave her a big hug. " I will not be far behind".

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Jehovahjireh

names of God: Jehovahjireh by ric gustafson

Genesis 22:14-' And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh'

This term refers to God the Father. Jehovahjireh means ' the Lord shall see'. At first, this was a hill in the land of Moriah. Abraham named this hill Jehovajireh after he was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac. He was prepared to but the Lord stopped him and provided a ram instead. This hill later was where Solomon built his temple and then later became the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Abraham believed that God called Jehovahjireh would provide and as followers of God, we believe that also.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Birdseye 2012 page 3

Birdseye 2012 page 3 by ric gustafson

In 1910, the US government sent Clarence and others to the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana to study diseases. A log cabin became the home and research center for Robert Cooley, Willard King and Clarence. Clarence and the others collected ticks and studied them for research on spotted fever. After their research was over, Clarence returned to Washington and be with Eleanor. In the 1940's, thanks to antibiotics a cure for spotted fever was found.
In 1912, Clarence traveled to Labrador which was part of Newfoundland. At that time, 250,000 people lived there. Most were fishermen, fur breeders, trappers and traders. There, Clarence met Wilfred Grenfell who was one of the first doctors in Labrador and built the first hospital in Battle Harbour.
In July of 1912, Clarence went to New York and found an investor who was interested in his idea of starting a fox farm.

research help: ' Birdseye' by Mark Kurlansky

Everyone have a great Saturday. Love Ric

Friday, July 20, 2012

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 9

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 9 by ric gustafson

David opened a ketchup packet and squeezed it unto the top of his cheeseburger. He looked up to see someone standing next to him. It was Zoie Malone.
" Hello David". She noticed the empty chair. " Mind if I sit down?".
He pointed to the empty chair. " Please do".
She sat down and noticed he was looking at his bible. " Still looking at your bible".
" I'm studying Psalms for a bible study that I'm doing".
" I've always been curious about the bible but my parents kept me away from it".
" It certainly has helped me over the years".
Zoie glanced at the large white clock on the far wall. " How long is your lunch?".
" 11:45-12:15".
She got up from her chair. " Would you like to come to the office and eat lunch with me tomorrow?".
" Sure".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 19, 2012

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 8

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 8 by ric gustafson

" Guess what happened on the bus this morning?" David asked as he bundled mail and put them into a cart.
" I don't know".
" She said hi to me".
" Who said hi?" Roger replied as he bundled more mail.
" Zoie Malone".
" The cute girl from Mr Ferguson's office".
" Yep".
" You finally got the nerve to say hi".
" Actually she said hi to me first".
" Congrats" his friend said as he noticed the time on the clock. " I better get these bundles delivered".
" I'm going to lunch".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Diadem of Beauty

names of God: Diadem of Beauty by ric gustafson

Isaiah 28:5-' In that day shall the Lord of hosts be for a diadem of beauty'

This term refers to God the Father. This term sometimes refers to a crown or a jeweled metal band worn around the head. In this passage, Isaiah is warning the people not to be too full of themselves and in their own achievements. Isaiah also tells the people that they will become a crown of glory and a royal diadem. We are God's jewels and he is our Diadem of Beauty.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Nehemiah page 4

Nehemiah page 4 by ric gustafson

" I love you Father" Sarah said as the eunuch put her wooden chest into a cart. " I don't want to go".
Simeon smiled as he hugged her. " I will contact you through one of the servants".
Later on, the cart led by a donkey slowly went through the Gate of Xerxes and stopped at the royal stable near the gate. They got out and walked up a limestone stairway to the entrance of the women's quarters.
" You will be sharing this room with three other women servants of the Queen" the eunuch said quietly as he put Sarah's chest on the floor. He left the room.
All of a sudden, a woman appeared at the door. " I am the Queen's senior handmaiden" she said with a grin as she studied the young woman from head to toe. " I will prepare you to meet the Queen".

research help: ' harvest of rubies' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

names of God: Passover Lamb

names of God: Passover Lamb by ric gustafson

I Corinthians 5:7- ' For Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed'

This term refers to God the Son. The first Passover lamb was to be male and without defect. The blood of a lamb on the doors of Jewish households saved them from God's plagues. This became the feast of Passover. In this passage, Paul is reminding the people of Corinth that Jesus died so they could be born anew. Jesus Christ was without defect and his blood marked our rebirth. Jesus Christ is God's Passover Lamb and ours too.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

where is your God? page 5

where is your God? page 5 by ric gustafson

Roland flipped the pancake over on it's other side. He heard footsteps coming down the carpeted stairs. He saw Brett and J.C. walk in and sit down at the large wooden kitchen table.
" Morning Dad" his son said as he yawned. " I could hear you making pancakes upstairs".
" How did you sleep last night J.C.".
" The bed was wonderful". He took a small sip of the water that was sitting by his plate. " Thank you for your hospitality".
" That's the least I can do for helping my son" he replied with a smile as he handed a plate of pancakes to each of them. He fixed himself a plate and then sat down. He took a sip of his orange juice". " Well J.C., tell me again what you do for a living?".

research help: a Rev John Lewis sermon

Everyone have a great Tuesday. Love Ric

Monday, July 16, 2012

Birdseye 2012 page 2

Birdseye 2012 page 2 by ric gustafson

In the fall after high school, Clarence was enrolled in Amherst College in Massachusetts. The liberal arts college was the perfect school for Clarence to take his favorite subject, biology. In his first year of college, Clarence was an honors student. After two years, Clarence's parents fell into hard times financially and he had to drop out of school. After leaving Amherst, he spent three years working in Arizona and New Mexico for the U.S. Biological Survey. He was hired as an assistant naturalist to study animal populations and their habits. In 1909, he began working for the U.S Department of Agriculture and helped gather data on wildlife, farming and forest protection. While in Washington, Clarence began working for the National Geographic Magazine and started dating a woman by the name of Eleanor Gannett.

research help:  ' Birdseye' by Mark Kurlansky

Everyone take care. Love Ric

the heart within page 2

the heart within page 2 by ric gustafson

Bruce wiped the dirt off of the rocket motor. The new Batmobile was running great and the TS8c modification was worth the change.
" Master Bruce".
He wiped off his tired hands with an old rag. " Alfred, I'm down here at the Batmobile".
The former butler walked up to the worktable next to the former scout vehicle. He put the morning paper next to Bruce's tool box. " Riley just delivered the paper".
" He's a good kid" Bruce said as he wiped off one of the solid rocket boosters. " He's curious about God".
" I've met his parents, they are very nice". The tall slender man with white hair hesitated and stood where he was.
" Was there anything else Alfred?".
" Yes Master Bruce, your Wayne Enterprises meeting is at 2:00".
" Thank you" Bruce replied with a grin. " I'm glad I made you my personal assistant".

research help: ' Wayne of Gotham' by Tracy Hickman

Sunday, July 15, 2012

the heart within page 1

the heart within page 1 by ric gustafson

Riley Clausen stopped his mountain bike next to the large driveway. He noticed the address that was painted on the concrete next to the green mailbox. It read ' 666' in bold red letters. He raised his arm to throw the paper into the driveway when an older gentleman came out of the open garage. He walked up the driveway and stopped next to Riley's bike.
" I was going to throw the paper into the driveway".
" I'll take it" he said with a strange grin as he took the paper and extended his hand. " My name is Envy and I will give it to my boss".
" I'm Riley and I am your paperboy".
" Tell me young Riley" he asked as he straightened his dark sunglasses. " Who lives in that beautiful estate up the street?".
" Bruce Wayne lives there" Riley said as envy entered his young heart. " That's Wayne Manor".
" I see".

research help: ' Angels are for real' by Judith MacNutt
                       ' Wayne of Gotham' by Tracy Hickman

the heart within prelude

the heart within prelude by ric gustafson

Within every man's heart lives a battle. This battle of the ages involves the forces of good and evil. This battle is for the soul of every person who has ever lived. In the city of Gotham, this battle for one soul has begun. The battle for the heart within has started.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Birdseye 2012 page 1

Birdseye 2012 page 1 by ric gustafson

Clarence Frank Birdseye II was born on December 9 1886. His father Clarence Frank Birdseye was born in 1854 and attended Columbia Law School in 1877. Clarence's father married Ada Jane Underwood in 1855. Ada's father Henry Underwood was a belt manufacturer and he invented a belt that would run in pulleys with angular grooves.
Clarence and Ada lived in Cobble Hill which was one of the oldest neighborhoods in Brooklyn New York. Clarence and Ada had nine children and Clarence was number six. Clarence was quiet as a child and disliked sports. He enjoyed being a naturalist at the family farm on Long Island. As the years went on, taxidermy became an interest for Clarence. He was fascinated by the Old West and Buffalo Bill. When Clarence entered high school, the family moved to Montclair New Jersey. In high school, his interest was in science and taking cooking classes.

research help: ' Birdseye' by Mark Kurlansky

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nearer my God to Thee: John Frederick Clarke

Nearer my God to Thee: John Frederick Clarke by ric gustafson

John Frederick Clarke was born on July 28 1883 to John Robert Clarke and Ellen Clarke. Between 1887 and 1891, John's father left the family and fled to America to live with his brother. In 1909, John was playing bass at the Philharmonic Hall in Liverpool. At this time, John was playing at the Argyle Theatre in Birkenhead. In June of 1911, John played in the orchestra to celebrate the coronation of King George V.
To be able to go to New York for his father's funeral, John accepted the offer in April 1912 to play bass on the maiden voyage of the Titanic.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' The Band That Played On' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Nearer my God to Thee: Percy Cornelius Taylor

Nearer my God to Thee: Percy Cornelius Taylor by ric gustafson

Percy Cornelius Taylor was born on March 20 1872 to Martin Taylor and Emily Taylor. His father was a printer and bookbinder and young Percy spent much of his childhood in Peckham Southeast London. There is not much information on Percy's growing up years. He left school in 1886 and four years later, his father Martin died from cirrhosis of the liver. At the age of 19, Percy was working as a clerk. In 1906 at the age of 34, he married Clara Alice Davis.
In April of 1912, Percy Taylor was hired to play the piano on the maiden voyage of the Titanic.

research help: ' The Band that Played On' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Nearer my God to Thee: Georges Krins

Nearer my God to Thee: Georges Krins by ric gustafson

Georges Krins was born on March 18 1889 in Paris France. His family was from Belgium and he was raised in the town of Spa. He studied the violin at the Conservatory in Liege Belgium from 1902 to 1908. In 1910, He moved to Paris to play the violin. He then moved to London and played at the Ritz Hotel from 1910 to March 1912.
On Wednesday April 10 1912, he boarded the Titanic. His ticket number was 250654 which was the number given to all of the orchestra members.
He was the only musician from Belgium to play on the Titanic's maiden voyage.

research help: Wikipedia.org

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Birdseye 2012 prelude

Birdseye 2012 prelude by ric gustafson

Anyone who lived in the fishing port of Gloucester Massachusetts in 1956 would have noticed the old man. He was tiny in statue and his nickname was Bob. When he died, he had more than two hundred patents to his name. He was married with four children and the local paper dubbed him ' the father of frozen food'. When he died, he wanted to be cremated and his ashes scattered in Gloucester Harbor.
His name is Clarence Birdseye and this is his story.

research help: ' Birdseye' by Mark Kurlansky

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 9, 2012

Nearer my God to Thee: John Law Hume

Nearer my God to Thee: John Law Hume by ric gustafson

John Law Hume was known as Jock to his orchestra friends and was said to be the liveliest and cheekiest member of the band on Titanic. John Hume was born on August 9 1890 in Dumfries Scotland. He grew up to be tall, slim and always had a huge grin. He was from a musical family with his father, Andrew being a music teacher and a maker of violins and bows.
The town of Dumfries is in southwest Scotland and close to the border with England. John was the first son followed by three sisters and one brother. His father tutored John on the violin and he also enjoyed playing football. In 1906, John's mother Grace Law Hume died from cancer and his father quickly remarried.
John signed up for the Olympic's maiden voyage in June 1911. After Olympic suffered heavy damage after colliding with the Hawke, John signed on with the Carmania where he became the bandmaster.
In April of 1912, John Hume joined Wallace Hartley and the others on the maiden voyage of the Titanic.

research help: ' The Band That Played On' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Spirtual Pathways 101 page 8

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 8 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman saw the time on the clock. " Let's get started" he said as he wrote something on the white board. " Tonight is the last night of class". " How many of you have visited the Grand Canyon?". Some hands went up. " Robert, how did you feel after seeing the Grand Canyon?".
The young man thought for a moment. " Watching his nature, I felt more in tune with God".
" Wonderful, by witnessing his creation God wants our spirits to open more for him".
" Which Pathway is this Mr Freeman?".
" This is called the Creation Pathway".
" How can we study this pathway?".
" Spend as much time outdoors as possible observing nature and God's creations".
" Thank you students for spending this class with me" he said with a smile. " Good luck".

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

research help: ' God is closer than you think' by John Ortberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 7

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 7 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman handed a assignment to the class. " Seperate yourselves from each other and work on this assignment alone". As they quietly worked on the assignment, he wrote something on the white board. Forty five minutes went by. " Pens down, look up at the board". " Tonight, we will be looking at the Contemplative Pathway". He looked at Helen Magee. " Helen, how did you feel working on the assignment by yourself?".
" Without distractions Mr Freeman, I reflected and concentrated more on the assignment".
" Good, did you need external stimulation to make that happen?".
" No".
" God wants to spend time with you through regular undistracted time alone".
" How do we do that Mr Freeman?".
" Listening to God in silence and solitude is one way to feel his presence".

research help: ' God is closer than you think' by John Ortberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 6

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 6 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman watched as a group of students walked in and were excited about something. He saw the time on the clock. " It's 6:00, let's start". He took a magic marker and wrote something on the board. He pointed to Melissa Harper. " Melissa, what were you and the others so excited about when you came to class".
The young woman smiled at the teacher. " Mr Freeman, several of us earlier went to a peace rally here at school".
Mr Freeman grinned and pointed at the board. " Great because that is an example of the pathway we will be discussing tonight". " The Activist Pathway".
A hand shot up. " What is that Mr Freeman?".
" You have a passion, zeal and energy for something you feel strongly about".
" Like the peace rally we were at".
" Yes, and like Nehemiah you need a cause and then you act on it".
" How will that help our spiritual life?".
" You will be excited about something and your spiritual life will not stagnate".

research help: ' God is closer than you think' by John Ortberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

cereal page 6

cereal page 6 by ric gustafson

In 1959, General Mills asked Joe Harris for a character for their new brand. He came up with the character of a rabbit and called him the Trix Rabbit. Harris also came up with the famous line ' silly rabbit, Trix are for kids'.
The Trix rabbit started appearing in boxes in 1960. The rabbit would try anything to eat some of the cereal before two kids would stop him.
In 2003, the Trix rabbit was removed from cereal boxes.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' The Great American Cereal Book' by Marty Gitlin and Topher Ellis

Everyone have a great Sunday. Love Ric

Saturday, July 7, 2012

names of God: God of all Comfort

names of God: God of all Comfort by ric gustafson

2 Corinthians 1:3- ' Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort'

This term refers to God the Father. This term God of all Comfort implies that God is the source from which all good things flow. In this bible passage, Paul is writing to the church in Corinth. He blesses the people in the name of the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. We have a relationship with God where when we do not feel his presence, we feel desolate and alone. When we feel his presence and know that he is always holding our hand, we are happy because the God of all Comfort is there.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

cereal page 5

cereal page 5 by ric gustafson

In the early 1960's, the Quaker Oats company asked Jay Ward to come up with a character for a new cereal they were developing. Ward, who was working on the cartoon The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, came up with the idea of a sea captain and his crew. The sea captain's name became Cap'n Crunch.
Cap'n Crunch was born and raised on Crunch Island. He wore a blue captain's uniform and a blue hat. His ship was the S.S. Guppy and his crew were four kids and a first mate named Seadog. Their mission was to keep the cereal on board safe from Jean Lafoote, the Barefoot Pirate.

research help: ' The Great American Cereal Book' by Marty Gitlin and Topher Ellis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 6, 2012

a Green Acres christmas page 1

a Green Acres christmas page 1 by ric gustafson

" Cuckoo".
Lisa Douglas opened her eyes. She closed them again.
" Cuckoo".
She opened her eyes and then reached over toward her husband who was snoring. She gently shook him. " Oliver".
" Yes". He fell back asleep.
" Oliver, wake up" she said louder as she shook her husband.
Oliver opened his eyes and then glanced at the clock on his nightstand. " Lisa, it's 3:00 in the morning go back to sleep". He closed his eyes again.
Lisa turned on her side to go back to sleep.
" Cuckoo".
She opened her eyes, turned and shook her husband. " Oliver, there it goes again".
" That's just our new cuckoo clock".
" What's a cuckoo?".
" A bird sings that as it comes out of the clock".
" That's a silly thing for a bird to do" she replied. " Where did you find that?".
" Mr Drucker told me about it as I was looking for a saw to cut down a tree for christmas".
" Why didn't you find a fake one where all you have to do is fit the colored branches into the holes".
" Lisa, I'm a farmer and I want a real tree that I can smell the wood and see real needles on the floor".
Lisa stared at her husband.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Nearer my God to Thee: John Wesley Woodward

Nearer my God to Thee: John Wesley Woodward by ric gustafson

John Wesley Woodward was born on Sept 11 1879 in Hill Top which was five miles northwest of Birmingham. He was the youngest son of Joseph and Martha Woodward. He was raised in a Methodist family and his father was a manager at the Hill Top Iron Works. John had six brothers and two sisters but by his midteens had lost two of his brothers and his father. Martha had to raise their large family by herself.
In 1907, John Woodward was asked to join the Duke of Devonshire's band. In 1908, playing the cello, he played in the Devonshire Park orchestra. In May of 1911, he signed on to play on the Titanic's sister ship, the Olympic. On September 20, 1911, the Olympic was struck on the side by the Royal Navy crusier Hawke. The White Star liner's fifth trip to America was cancelled due to heavy damage. In November of 1911, John Woodward was transferred to play on the steamer Caronia.
In April of 1912, John Wesley Woodward joined Wallace Hartley and the band on the maiden voyage of Olympic's sister ship, the Titanic.

research help: ' The Band that Played On' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 5, 2012

the stranger who came to town page 10

the stranger who came to town page 10 by ric gustafson

" How long have you known Josh?" Homer asked as the Saturn Ion headed down the highway toward the Smokey Flats Motel.
" Our families already knew each other from church" Clarice replied as she played with her hair and opened the window. " I've known Josh ever since junior high school".
" Are you a christian Clarice?".
" Not like Josh". " I go to church with him but no I'm not a believer". She noticed Homer was adjusting his dark sunglasses. " Why do you wear dark sunglasses no matter what the weather?".
" My eyes are more adjusted to the dark than the light".
Clarice gave him a confused look.
" It's hard to explain". He changed the subject. " How is your arm and elbow?".
" Great" was her reply as she moved them up and down with ease. " Whatever you did thank you".
" Your welcome". He drove the Ion into a stall near the front door. He noticed that there was no cars in the parking lot. " Business is tough around here".
" Yes it is" Clarice replied with a sigh as she opened the passenger door and got out. " Thank you for the ride Mr Tang". She walked into the motel lobby.
Homer drove into the stall next to Room 12. For the next hour, he chanted and worshiped the golden calf statue.

Nearer my God to Thee: William Brailey

Nearer my God to Thee: William Brailey by ric gustafson

William " Theo" Brailey was warned by his father Ronald Brailey not to sail on the Titanic but he went anyway. William became a clairvoyant like his father and joined the army at 15.
William Brailey was born on October 25 1887 in Walthamstow Essex. He was the first child of Ronald and Amy Brailey. He was encouraged to learn the piano at home.
In 1902, William became part of the orchestra at the Kensington Palace Hotel in West London. He was described by the conductor as a highly efficient pianist. In October of 1902, he joined the Royal Lancashire Fusiliers. He quickly joined the battalion's band. In 1907, he left the army and married Teresa Steinhilber in 1910.
In Feb 1912, William was hired to play on the Carpathia. He played next to Roger Bricoux. Both men would be hired shortly thereafter to play on the Titanic during it's maiden voyage.

research help: ' The Band that Played On' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

the story of Sarai page 13

the story of Sarai page 13 by ric gustafson

Abram walked up to the two guards. Both had a bow and arrows and a tall helmet. Abram approached them quietly.
" State your business".
" I have come with my family to seek shelter from the famine in Canaan" he said as he stared at the men. " We wish only to stay for a short while".
One of the young guards looked toward the caravan. " How many are in your caravan?".
" One hundred and fifty men, women and children".
" What else do you have?" asked the other young guard.
" Just a few sheep and cattle".
One of the guards stared at the group of women and children. " Do you have any pretty women in your caravan?".
Abram stepped in front of Sarai so they would not see her.
The guards studied the women and then let the caravan through.

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a Green Acres christmas prelude

a Green Acres christmas prelude by ric gustafson

Oliver Wendell Douglas walked through the front door of the general store. He heard the clang of the pots and pans overhead.
" Morning Mr Douglas" Sam Drucker said as he swept the dusty wooden floor with a broom. " What can I do for you?".
" I'm interested in a large saw to cut down a tree for christmas".
" Why don't you get a fake one" he said as he noticed two boys with their hands in his penny candy jars. " Get your hands out of my penny candy". " Darn kids" he said as the two ran out the front door. " Now what were you asking about Mr Douglas?".
" A saw to cut down a tree for christmas".
" Why do you want to do that?".
" I'm a farmer and I want a real tree to hang ornaments and tinsel on and smell the sweet smell of the wood ".
Sam looked at Mr Douglas. " It would be easier if you got a fake one".
Oliver sighed. " Where can I find one?".
" The general store in Pixley would have one".
" Thank you". He saw something as he reached the front door. " What is that?".
" A cuckoo clock" Sam said with a smile. " It's the newest thing in clocks".
" I'll take it".

the story of Sarai page 12

the story of Sarai page 12 by ric gustafson

Sarai stood at the entrance of the tent and stared out into a fierce sand storm. Her husband had gone out into the storm two days ago and had not returned. Summer's heat had dried up the grass here also and Sarai did not know how long they would stay there. Abram had talked about moving farther south toward Egypt. She was worried about her husband's safety.
Abram carried the last ewe on his shoulders into the cool cave. " There you are safe" he said as he patted it's head. He let it down and it scampered off. He had decided to bring the flock into the cave to keep them from the heat and sparse grass. He knew that he had to move the flock and himself and Sarai to Egypt where there was an abundance of food and water.
Even though he knew Adonai wanted him to go to Canaan, he was thinking about his wife and flock.

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

the story of Sarai page 11

the story of Sarai page 11 by ric gustafson

Sarai was carrying a basket of linen to camp when she heard her husband approach.
" My wife, the grass is drying up so I have come to a decision".
" And what is that my husband?".
" We need to move farther south toward the Negev" he said. " The animals will be moved tonight and we will leave in the morning".
Later, she handed her husband a bowl of stew.
" You look tired my wife".
" I'm sorry this nomadic life makes me weary".
" Adonai has promised us a son" he said with a smile. " I am sure of it".
" I hope you are right my husband".

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the story of Sarai page 10

the story of Sarai page 10 by ric gustafson

Sarai could smell the smoke from her husband's sacrifice as she scooped wheat kernals into a stone bowl. She picked up a pestle and began to work the grain.
" I wonder how long we'll stay" Melah said as she looked toward the lush hills. " It's beautiful here".
" I don't know" was Sarai's reply as she put some raw mustard into the bowl and stirred.
" Ready for some meat" said Abram as he carried with him a portion of the sacrificed lamb. He gave it to his wife. " I have work to do but I will be back".
Sarai smiled as she added water to her flour and started to knead the dough.
Melah stared at Sarai. " Are you sure you don't want to pray to my goddess for the promise from Abram's God".
" No".

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 2, 2012

the Seven Spirits of God: The Spirit of Glory

the Seven Spirits of God: the Spirit of Glory by ric gustafson

In I Peter 4, it says that the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of God is resting upon you. When we are mistreated because of our faith in God, The Holy Spirit comes to comfort and help us. Because the Spirit of God is in our life, we can go through life with peace and joy.
When we walk in his ways and put our trust in God, we will receive double the glory. When the Spirit of Glory comes into our life, goodness will manifest in us.

research help: ' Knowing God Intimately' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mr Firecracker page 1

Mr Firecracker page 1 by ric gustafson

Erich opened the door and walked into the cool airconditioned clubhouse. He walked up to the young man behind the counter. " 5:05 tee time for Holmes".
" You are next on the tee" he said as he looked out the window. " 9 holes walking is 18 dollars".
He took a $20 bill out of his blue shorts and handed it to the young man.
" Enjoy the round" the young man said as he handed him his change.
Erich reached for the door handle when he remembered something. " Almost forgot" he muttered to himself . He walked to the door marked Men's Room and walked into it. He opened the stall and pulled his black case out of his front pocket. He unzipped it and took out the small green meter and his testing device. He took out a lanceit and put into the device. He took out a antiseptic pad and bathed his pinky finger with it. He put a test strip into the meter and then saw the 8888 come up on the screen showing he had put it in correctly.
With a frustrated look on his face, he took the testing device and put it up next to the skin of his pinky. He pushed the button and felt a poke on his finger. A small dot of blood appeared. He put the test strip into the blood and a number appeared on the meter screen.
" God I'm not blaming you but why do I have this?" he said with sadness in his voice as he threw away the test strip and pad. He put everything back into his black case and then washed his hands. He shook his head as he walked outside toward the first tee.

the Seven Spirits of God: The Spirit of Grace

The Seven Spirits of God: The Spirit of Grace by ric gustafson

In Hebrews 10:29, it says that the Holy Spirit imparts grace. Grace is given to us by the Holy Spirit to do what we cannot do. It gives us the power to be right with God. When God changes us, he won't let us change ourselves. We need to ask God to change us and then let the Spirit of Grace do the work. The Holy Spirit gives us grace from God the Father. As believers in Jesus Christ, we enter the grace of God through faith.
When Paul greeted the churches he said " may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all", they were praying that the Spirit of Grace would be with them.

research help: ' Knowing God Intimately' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings.  Love Ric