Saturday, April 21, 2012

the story of Martha page 28

the story of Martha page 28 by ric gustafson

Martha and Mary sat on a bench eating some fruit and cheese and waiting for their brother to return. He had gone to Jerusalem to check out rumors of what might be happening to Jesus. As they ate, everything started to get very quiet.
It had gotten very dark out that afternoon as if it was nighttime. All of a sudden, the earth shook as if it was an earthquake.
" Hold me Martha" Mary said as the two held each in fear.
" I hope no one in the village got hurt" Martha said as she heard a knock at the gate. She walked over and opened it to reveal their friend Nathan.
" Martha, Mary are you ok?".
" Nathan, we are fine" Martha said as she gave him a hug. " What just happened?".
" I'm not sure" he said as the sky got clearer and the sun came back out. " That much darkness at this time of day has only happened one other time in my life".
Mary had a worried look on her face. " I hope Lazarus is ok".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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