Saturday, April 14, 2012

the roar of the Lyon chapter 2 page 1

the roar of the Lyon chapter 2 Sunday church page 1 by ric gustafson

Dwayne walked up the three concrete steps and then opened the black glass door for his wife.
" Morning Dwayne" Larry Ming said quietly as he opened the door. " It's a beautiful Sunday morning".
" It sure is". He walked over to the long coat rack and hung up his grey summer coat.
They walked over to a long table and found their name tags.
" Morning Doris" Dwayne said as he and Marcia shook the hand of the greeter.
" Good morning Dwayne and Marcia".
They walked into the sanctuary, picked up a bulletin and then sat down in their favorite pew.
Dwayne opened the bulletin and then smiled. Today's sermon was on the hope of God.

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