Monday, April 2, 2012

Mica page 3

Mica page 3 by ric gustafson

Mica stood outside the audience chamber as the stench from his Sire's cancer almost was too much to bear. He did not know why he was being summoned at this time but that was the norm for his King. Mica banged his fist on the wooden door as the guard next to it just smiled.
" Enter".
Mica walked in to see his King wearing a red robe and standing next to his counselor.
" My King, you summoned me".
" Sire, High Priest Annas says that according to the prophet Micah their Christ or Messiah would come from Bethlehem".
" So all we would need to do is ransack Bethlehem and find this fake Messiah".
" The problem Sire is that it is possible the child is not there".
" Counselor, get to the point my stomach is really bothering me".
" Sire, I have three Magi from the east who would like to talk to you"

research help: ' Justus' by Arthur L. Lapham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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