Tuesday, April 10, 2012

the roar of the Lyon chapter 1 page 2

the roar of the Lyon chapter 1 the interview page 2 by ric gustafson

Dwayne nervously tapped his foot on the carpeted floor as he watched the nicely dressed young man walk out of the office. ' I wonder if he got the job' he thought as he watched the young receptionist talk on the phone. She put the phone down and then smiled at Dwayne. " Must be right out of high school" he mumbled to himself as he heard the intercom on her desk ring.
" Yes, Mr J. I." she said quietly into the machine. " Ok". She pointed toward Dwayne. " Mr J. I. will see you now".
He stood up and quickly walked over and knocked on the heavy wooden door.
" Come in".
Dwayne opened the door and walked into a sparse cream colored office with only one picture on a wall behind a huge oak desk. A medium built man with a gray beard walked over and extended his hand. " Hi Dwayne, my name is J. I.".
" J. I. ?".
" I've always been called that" he replied with a strange grin as he pointed to an empty chair near his desk. " Please have a seat".
The two men sat down.
" You have a very impressive resume" he said as he opened up a manila folder. " A college degree in Finance and you were with a very respectable investment firm".
" The firm downsized and I was let go".
" I see that you are involved in several christian organizations" he said as he closed the folder and put it on the edge of his desk. " Dwayne, are you a christian?".

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