Thursday, April 19, 2012

the roar of the Lyon chapter 2 page 3

the roar of the Lyon chapter 2 Sunday church page 3 by ric gustafson

Marcia walked over and put a mug in front of her husband. " Here's your hot chocolate".
" Thank you sweetie" was his reply as he stared at a notebook sitting in front of him.
" Still worried about orientation tomorrow".
" A little bit" Dwayne said as he sipped from the mug. " After what my friend told me this morning".
" About his brother's troubles with the firm" she replied as she sipped some of her skinny latte. " As a christian, you know that God has you there for a reason".
" I know". He blew inside his mug to try and cool off his hot beveridge.
" Pray as you are driving there and pray during your orientation".
" Ok" he replied with a grin as he drank from the mug.
That night, Dwayne prayed asking God to be with him the next morning.

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