Monday, April 9, 2012

The roar of the Lyon chapter 1 page 1

the roar of the Lyon chapter 1 the interview page 1 by ric gustafson

Dwayne Hodgins hands slightly shook as he tried to straighten his black tie. " Why is this so hard to do" he mumbled as he tried to do it again. " Honey, can you come here please".
Marcia Hodgins heard her husband's frustrated voice as she finished mixing up some orange juice. She put the juice container in the white refrigerator and quietly walked up the six blue carpeted steps toward their bedroom.
" Honey, please help me with my tie" he said as he put his money clip and wallet into a black pants pocket. " I can't go to this interview with my tie the way it is".
She walked in and walked up behind her husband of five years. " You'll be fine" she replied as she put her arm through his and straightened his tie.
" I'm just worried about this interview" he said as he nervously played with his hair. " I really want this job".
" Pray on the way" she said with a smile as she kissed him on the cheek. " God will take care of the rest".
" Ok".

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