Sunday, April 29, 2012

the Harrison Dewey Debt Forgiveness Agency page 1

the Harrison Dewey Debt Forgiveness Agency page 1 by ric gustafson

Leonard Hellman walked up to Suite 304 and hesitated before entering. He was constantly worrying about his huge debt problem and he jumped literally every time the phone rang fearing it was a debt collector. He saw an ad in the local paper about a debt forgiveness agency and thought to himself why not check it out.
He walked into the sparsely decorated office and walked up to the receptionist.
" Hi, may I help you" she said as she put a stamp on an outgoing letter to be mailed.
" Yes, I have a 10:00 am appointment with Harrison Dewey".
" I'll tell him you are here" she replied as she picked up the phone. " Please have a seat".
Ten minutes later, an older gentleman wearing a blue business suit walked up and shook Leonard's hand. " Harrison Dewey, nice to meet you".
They walked into a very spacious office which was filled with family pictures and framed work awards.
" Please have a seat Mr Hellman" Harrison said as he pointed to a plosh empty chair next to his desk. " So what can I do for you?".

research help:  Portals of Prayer June 2006

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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