Monday, April 30, 2012

the roar of the Lyon chapter 3 page 1

the roar of the Lyon chapter 3 orientation page 1 by ric gustafson

Dwayne yawned as he closed his binder. He looked at the large clock on the far wall and noticed it read 4:00. He smiled knowing that orientation was going to be over at 5:00 and then he could relax. It had been a tiring day of going over everything in his new work binder.
" I'm glad that everyone has made it to 4:00 and is still here" J. I. said as he turned the pages of his binder to the last page. " It is now time for the final section of your orientation".
Dwayne was glad for that.
J. I. looked toward an older gentleman who was sitting in the the last row of seats. " Mr Lyon, they are ready for you".
To the surprised looks of everyone present including Dwayne, he got out of the chair and quietly walked up to the front of the podium. " Thank you J. I. and welcome to Lyon Financial Group".
Dwayne started to sweat because it seemed Mr Lyon's eyes bore right through him.
" We are a very successful financial company and with you on board, we will continue to be that way". He looked at the clock. " It is now 5:00, go home, get a good night's sleep and we will see you first thing in the morning".
Dwayne and all the other new hires smiled and then left.

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