Sunday, April 15, 2012

the roar of the Lyon chapter 2 page 2

the roar of the Lyon chapter 2 Sunday church page 2 by ric gustafson

Dwayne walked over to the cookie cart and poured himself a styrofoam cup of coffee. He picked out an oatmeal cookie from the box that was on top of the cart and began to eat it.
" Hi Dwayne".
He turned to reveal his friend Mark Reynolds. " Ok, how are you?".
" Fine" he replied with a grin as he took a chocolate chip cookie out of the box. " What's new?".
" I start a new job tomorrow".
" Great" he said as he nibbled on his cookie and dabbed his mouth with a napkin. " Where at?".
" Lyon Financial".
" Really, that's interesting" his friend exclaimed as he sipped some water he had poured himself. " My brother just left there because of diffulculties with management".
" Oh".
" Good luck tomorrow" Mark said as threw his empty cup and napkin in the trash can. " I will pray for you".

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