Sunday, November 8, 2015

where in the world is Lucas the turkey? page 1

where in the world is Lucas the turkey? page 1 by ric Gustafson

" So did you go back to see the witch?" Todd Reed asked with a yawn. He was looking over the hill for the city bus.
" No". Martin Gardner replied. He sat down on the worn wooden bus bench. " I spent an hour walking up and down Main Street looking for a turkey somebody thought they saw".
" I'm going to walk down the sidewalk and wait for the bus".
Gobble Gobble
Martin heard the noise and turned around. " What was that?". He turned around when he saw nothing.
Gobble Gobble
He turned again to see a large bush behind the bus bench. " Did you hear that noise Todd?".
" What noise?".
He shook his head and turned around again.
Gobble Gobble Hey you
Martin turned to see a pair of scared eyes peeking through the bush.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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