Saturday, November 14, 2015

July 2 1881 page 3

July 2 1881 page 3 by ric Gustafson

One day, Charles Guiteau surprised Illinois Senator John Logan at 8:00 am and began to talk to him. Logan did not know him but talked to him out of courtesy. Guiteau handed him the speech he had given to President Garfield. Logan noticed Guiteau's rumpled clothing and wore no coat. He told Logan that he came from Chicago and lived on State Street. He pleaded with the Senator for a recommendation. The next day, he came back and pleaded with the Senator again. He told Guiteau that he would talk to the Secretary of State. That satisfied Guiteau.
One Saturday, The Garfield's held their first open public reception in the White House. Lucretia Garfield shook hands of guest after guest. At one point, she turned to see a small man with dark hair standing next to her. It was Charles Guiteau. She shook his hand as he greeted her. For this White House reception, he had sneaked past the ushers who knew him. He had patiently waited in line to meet Mrs Garfield. He told her that he was from Chicago and was active in New York politics.
Guiteau waited until March of 1881 to visit the State Department about his application for the Paris consulship with Secretary of State James Blaine.

research help: ' Dark Horse' by Kenneth Ackerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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