Friday, November 13, 2015

Meet the Apostles: James

Meet the Apostles: James by ric Gustafson

James had a prosperous fishing business with his father Zebedee and his brother John. One day, Jesus came and said ' follow me'. James left everything to follow Jesus. Jesus nicknamed James and his brother John ' the Sons of Thunder'.
James became one of Jesus's inner circle along with his brother John and Simon Peter. The three accompanied Jesus at many critical moments in his ministry. When Jairus's daughter was healed, when Jesus unveiled his divine glory, when he withdrew to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray before he was arrested.
The book of Acts reveals that James was active in establishing the church. James became a martyr at the hands of Herod Agrippa.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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