Monday, November 2, 2015

the prize in the cheerio box page 1

the prize in the cheerio box page 1 by ric Gustafson

I walked through the revolving front door of the General Mills Headquarters building. I walked into the men's restroom to check my clothes and tried to relax. In my mind, I tried to picture the presentation I was planning to do. Sales of Cheerios had been shrinking in recent years. A massive advertising campaign had just started. The committee had come up with the idea of putting prizes in the boxes. I walked out of the restroom and got onto the elevator. In the elevator, I checked to make sure I had my presentation. I got off the elevator and walked into the Corporate Suites of General Mills.
I walked up to the receptionist and told her who I was.
" Yes, there are two others with presentations also". She pointed toward a chair. " They will be calling you in shortly".
A short time later, the three of us were ushered into a large conference room.
Several people walked in and sat down.
The person at the head of the table stood up. " Hello, my name is Rico Johnson". He smiled. " I am the head of cereal development here at General Mills". He stared at us. " Sales of Cheerios has been declining and we have come up with an idea of putting prizes into the boxes and hopefully boost sales".
He smiled at us again. " We would like to hear your presentations now".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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