Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Bread of Life: the five thousand a

The Bread of Life: the five thousand  a  by ric Gustafson

Aron ran out the front door of the house. He went around a corner of the house to where his mother was working in a small vegetable garden.
" Mother, can I go fishing down at the Sea?".
" Sure". She smiled at her young son. " I'll make you a little lunch so you can take it with you".
He ran and picked up his fishing stick which was lying alongside the house. He ran back to the front. His mother came out with a small knapsack. " Here are five small barley loaves you can have for your lunch".
" Thanks Mother". He hugged her and then began to walk down the dusty road.
" And if you catch any fish" she yelled as he kept walking. " You can have those too".
It did not take him long to reach the Sea of Tiberias. He found a spot where he could fish. He stretched out on a large rock. Soon after he put his stick in the water, he caught a small fish. He put his stick back in and closed his eyes to rest. Soon, his stick tugged and he pulled in another small fish.
After this, he stood up and decided to walk to another spot to eat his lunch. He put the two small fish into his knapsack.
As he walked, he noticed a huge number of people gathering on a mountain side by the Sea.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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