Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Meet the Apostles: counting the cost

Meet the Apostles: counting the cost by ric Gustafson

When we look at the Apostles, we need to think about what it cost them to all of a sudden leave everything and follow him. They had to make some difficult sacrifices.
First, they had to sacrifice time with their families. Some completely left their families. Their is a hint in the bible that Peter's wife may have traveled with them. It is possible that some of the others may have had family members with them as well. The Apostle's time with Jesus curtailed time and involvement with their families.
Second, they sacrificed their careers. Andrew, Peter, James and John were fishermen. Matthew was a tax collector. We do not know much about the others as far as occupations. They all gave up their jobs to follow Jesus. Thirdly, they sacrificed their former lives. Because of what they heard, saw and witnessed with Jesus, their lives were transformed forever.
When we encounter Jesus, our lives are transformed. Our attitudes, priorities and actions change.
Let us remember that with great sacrifice comes greater reward.
Read Matthew 19:27.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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