Monday, November 9, 2015

Meet the Apostles: the calling

Meet the Apostles: the calling by ric Gustafson

What would compel ordinary men to drop everything and follow a man they had just met. They recognized something in this man that demanded their immediate attention and action.
What did Jesus recognize in these ordinary men?. Jesus was able to see past their outside selves and see something no one else could. He knew what these simple men would become.
These men could see something in Jesus that others could not see. Jesus just said two words ' follow me'.
We have the opportunity to do the same as these simple men and respond to Jesus when he asks those two simple words ' follow me'.  Read John 15:16.
Our spiritual journey starts when we accept God's invitation and Jesus's two words ' follow me'.

research help: ' The Twelve Disciples' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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