Sunday, November 8, 2015

our Daily Bread Store holiday special page 2

our Daily Bread Store holiday special page 2

With anger in her eyes, Fran stared across Highway 86. " What nerve of that woman"."  I thought you told me she used to be your best friend" her grandson George replied as he buttered a slice of fresh baked white bread.
" When we were kids" she replied in a sarcastic tone of voice. " We stopped being friends when she and her family became Christians".
" Why are you so angry?".
" The nerve of that woman for opening a bread store across the street from my dream business".
" I wouldn't worry about her".
" And why not". She gave him an angry stare. " She even has the nerve to offer a holiday special".
" Your store is established" he replied with a grin. " Your sales are better than we expected".
She stared across the highway. " The nerve of that Wilma Anderson".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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