Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Margaret Tobin Brown page 24

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 24 by ric gustafson

During this time, marriage strains were showing in Margaret and JJ's marriage. In Jan 1910, their was a Denver Times article that the Browns had divorced. Margaret was devastated. She denied a divorce. Actually Margaret had signed a seperation agreement in Aug of 1909. 
In Jan of 1912, Margaret was asked to join John Jacob Astor IV and his new wife Madeleine to join them on a trip to Northern Africa and Egypt. Margaret left New York on Jan 25 1912. The trip seemed ill fated from the beginning. While on a ship in the Indian Ocean, their ship almost capsized. Helen came for part of the trip joining her mother. They traveled to Cairo and then spent a few days in Rome.
Returning to Paris, Margaret found out that her grandson was ill. In order to get back to the US as quick as possible, Margaret abruptly changed her travel plans. She booked passage on the Titanic.
The rest is history.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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