Saturday, May 18, 2024

come and see page 4

 come and see page 4 by ric gustafson

Jesus looked around the Samarian square. He had love in his eyes. He glanced over at a nearby booth. Sitting there was Photina and her fifth husband Nedim. Jesus smiled at them. 
" God looks for the sick more than the healthy". Jesus looked around. " Are there any shepherds here?".
A young man raised a hand. " I am".
" How many sheep do you have?".
" One hundred Teacher".
" If one of them goes astray". Jesus smiled. " What would you do?".
The young man scratched his chin. " Of course I would go look for it".
" And the other ninety nine?".
" I'd have to leave them behind". The young man smiled. " I can't lose one sheep".
" And if you find it?".
" I will rejoice and bring it home".
" I tell you". Jesus looked at the crowd. " Heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents". Jesus's voice hesitated. " Then 99 who need no repentance".

research help: ' the Chosen Come and See' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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