Sunday, May 12, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 40:23-41:16

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 40:23-41:16 by ric gustafson

For two years, the butler forgot about Joseph. Then Pharaoh one night had some dreams. He did not know what the dreams meant. He wanted to know what those dreams meant. Pharaoh consulted his magicians. They could not interpret his dreams. Then the butler remembered Joseph. 
The butler told Pharaoh a young man was locked in his dungeon. Pharaoh summoned Joseph. Pharaoh asked Joseph if he could interpret his dreams. Joseph said he could not but God could. Joseph told Pharaoh that God could give him the answer.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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