Friday, May 17, 2024

come and see page 2

 come and see page 2 by ric gustafson

John looked at the burly fisherman. " Tell me about meeting the Master for the first time?".
" At first, I did not know who it was".
" You were on Andrew's old boat".
" At first I refused his help". Peter sighed. " Then he performed a miracle right in front of me".
" What happened?".
" It was a bad night of fishing". He sighed again. " Then he provided a catch of fish that almost capsized the boat".
" Then what happened?".
" I fell at his feet". A tear came to Peter's eyes. " I said depart from me I am a sinful man".
" Then what did he tell you?".
" Follow me" The burly fisherman smiled. " You will become a fisher of men".
" How about you Thomas?".
" I met the Master when my career and reputation was about to be destroyed". Thomas grinned. " I remember the wedding at Cana".
John smiled. " When water was turned to wine".

research help: ' The Chosen Come and See' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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