Monday, May 6, 2024

True Grit page 7

 True Grit page 7 by ric gustafson

I sat and watched as Rooster Cogburn sopped up some stew meat with some white bread. A Chinaman named Lee had prepared the meal. We were sitting at a low table with a coal oil lamp on top. Lee heard a bell and had to help a customer. We were in a small room of a Chinese grocery store. When he came back, he offered me a cup of coffee.
" Thank you, I do not drink coffee".
Cogburn stared at me. " What do you drink?".
I grinned. " Cold buttermilk would be nice".
" We have none of that" He frowned. " Or lemonade either".
I noticed a cat scurring around. " What is the name of your cat?".
Cogburn smiled. " That is General Sterling Price".
Cogburn and Lee began playing cards.
" What about my proposition?".
Cogburn looked at me. " I'm thinking on it".
" Sounds like an easy way to make fifty dollars to me".
" Don't crowd me". Cogburn threw a card on the table. " I'm thinking about expenses".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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