Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Margaret Tobin Brown page 23

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 23 by ric gustafson

In Jan 1903, Mary Brophy Grace Tobin died. She was 37. Her funeral service was in Leadville. Margaret and JJ brought the four young children into their home. In April of 1905, Margaret's mother Johanna Tobin passed away. She was 75. She had been living with Margaret and JJ. She suffered a stroke shortly before she died. 
In March of 1906, Margaret came up with an idea for a living history for Denver. It was called the Carnival of Nations. Each nationality Margaret would bring in would set up a village for people to experience. Two groups brought in were controversial. This was the Chinese and the Native Americans. The money raised from this event helped with the construction of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. By 1913, the congregation was over 3,500 members.
Margaret was very proud of her two children. Helen, now in her early twenties, enjoyed going on trips with her mother. One day, Helen met a man 13 years her senior. His name was George Benziger. Helen thought he was pleasant and handsome. Lawrence did not go to Yale like Margaret and JJ had hoped. He fell in love with a society belle from Kansas City. Her name was Eileen Horton. Lawrence and Eileen were married Jan 16 1911. Lawrence was 24 Eileen 21. The couple had a son on November 21 1911.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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