Thursday, May 9, 2024

True Grit page 10

 True Grit page 10 by ric gustafson

LaBoeuf and I were sitting in the parlor. He took a small photograph out of his coat. He handed it to me. The photograph was wrinkled and dim. I studied it.
" It looks like Tom Chaney".
" Actually his real name is Theron Chelmsford". LaBoeuf frowned. " He shot and killed a state senator in Waco Texas".
" Are you a lawman?".
" I'm a Texas Ranger". He grinned. " I'm working for the family of Senator Bibbs".
" I have already found a man to find Chaney in the Indian Territory".
" May I ask who that is?".
" His name is Cogburn".
LaBoeuf scratched his chin. " Deputy Marshal Cogburn".
" I needed someone with grit". I smiled. " Plus he knows Lucky Ned Pepper and his gang".
LaBoeuf looked at me. " You're going to need a Federal man".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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