Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 41:46-42:7

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 41:46-42:7 by ric gustafson

When Joseph was 30, he began to serve Pharaoh. When the crops were good, Joseph saved food. During that time, Joseph married and had two sons. Their names were Manasseh and Ephraim. When the bad years started, the people went to Pharaoh for food. He told them to go to Joseph. Everyone came to Joseph for food.
In Canaan, Jacob heard of the food in Egypt. He told his sons to go to Egypt and buy food before they all starve. All the brothers except Benjamin went to Egypt.
One day, Joseph's brothers came to see him. They wanted to buy food. They bowed before their brother. They did not know the person they were bowing to was their brother Joseph.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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