Saturday, May 11, 2024

Shoah survivors: Stephen Berger

 Shoah survivors: Stephen Berger by ric gustafson

Before Strasshof Concentration Camp, Stephen Berger was a bicycle repairman. When the war ended, he planned to go to Palestine. In Italy, Berger found out his mother was in the US. At age 21, Berger left his friends and came to Brooklyn New York. He married a girl from Brooklyn. He got a job at a machine company in Queens New York. He went to college and earned a degree in mechanical engineering. Berger started a company that designed tools. 
Now at 93, Stephen Berger can speak Hungarian and English. Also he can still make a machine.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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