Friday, May 31, 2024

Violet Jessop page 1

 Violet Jessop page 1 by ric gustafson

Violet Jessop heard the final horn. She knew it was noon on April 10 1912. It was departure time for the Titanic. She heard a noise in the corridor. It was her work mate Ann. Just like Violet, she had an armful of  tulips, peonies and dahlias. 
" Violet, which cabin are we taking these flowers to?".
" C-62-64".
They walked down a corridor toward the C Deck cabins. They stopped at C-62-64. 
Ann glanced at the cabin number. " This is the Astors cabin".
Violet knocked. They were not there. The two walked in and set up the flowers around the cabin.
As they left, Ann looked around the cabin. " Everything looks Louis XV".
In the hallway, they see Stanley. The old steward had worked with Violet on two previous ships.
Stanley smiled. " We just got lucky".
Violet grinned. " What do you mean?".
" We almost collided with the SS New York".

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Jenni L Walsh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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