Wednesday, May 22, 2024

come and see page 6

 come and see page 6 by ric gustafson

Philip was tending the fire. Because he was new to the group, he had the first watch of the fire. Then he heard a noise. He stood up. Somebody was approaching the fire. Philip smiled. He recognized the stranger. 
" Shalom". Jesus spoke in a quiet voice. " I'm glad to see you".
" I'm Philip".
Jesus nodded. " I remember your face".
Philip stared at Jesus. " You do?".
Jesus smiled. " You were standing with Andrew the day I was baptized by John".
" John sends you his greetings".
Jesus grinned. " How is my cousin?".
" His reputation is down but his spirits are up".
Jesus looked at Philip. " Follow me".
" I will".
Philip looked around. " Why are you here in Bashan?".
" We are on our way to Caesarea Philippi".

research help: ' The Chosen Come and See' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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