Tuesday, May 28, 2024

True Grit page 17

 True Grit page 17 by ric gustafson

" How much is she paying you?".
Cogburn looked at Maddie. " Enough".
" Is she paying you $500 dollars?".
" No".
" That is what the Governor of Texas is offering for Chelmsford".
I gave LaBoeuf a stern stare. " Chaney".
Cogburn looked at Maddie. " I will stick with sis".
" The Bibbs family is putting up $1500 for Chelmsford".
" Chaney". I stomped my foot. " That was not our agreement".
Cogburn grinned. " How would we split the money?".
" If we catch him, I'll split the $1500 with you".
Cogburn frowned. " And if we have to kill him?".
" I'll give you $500". He stared at Maddie. " Either way, it's more than what she is paying you".
I stomped my foot louder. " I have already paid you cash money".
" I need to think about my cash flow baby sister".
I put my hand out. " Give me back my $25 dollars"/
Cogburn lowered his head. " I already spent it".
I walked toward the door. " You have not heard the last of Maddie Ross".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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