Friday, December 31, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 14

 the stranger who came to town page 14 by ric gustafson

" Mrs Langford". Homer put the last of the meat into his mouth. " That was the best pot roast I've ever had".
" Thank you Mr Tang". She smiled as she stood up from the table. " Wait till you try my peach cobbler". She picked up the dirty dishes and walked into the small kitchen.
" I'm going to help her get the dessert ready". Harold Langford stood up from the table. " Please make yourself at home". He walked into the kitchen.
Homer looked around and saw the purse on a nearby table.
Just then in the kitchen, Harold's cell phone rang.
" Hello". He paused. " Hello Josh". He listened. " Yes, Mr Tang is here".
He walked out into the dining room.
He looked around. " Mr Tang?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

12: Andrew

 12: Andrew by ric gustafson

Andrew was Simon Peter's brother. He was mentioned 12 times in the Bible. Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist and then followed Jesus. He told his brother about Jesus. Andrew was one of the first to be called an Apostle. In the feeding of the 5 thousand, Andrew brought the boy with the loaves and fishes. Andrew was with the others in the upper room after Jesus's Ascension.
The name Andrew is Greek and means 'manly'. Andrew never married but was living with Peter and his family. He had a deep trust in Jesus. Andrew was kind, friendly, unassuming and trusting. He was eager to tell others about Jesus.
So what happened to Andrew?. Andrew probably rejoined his brother after he escaped from prison in A.D. 42 or 43. He may have joined his brother in Sinope or Amisus on the Black Sea. Andrew eventually moved into Greece and preached there. Andrew decided to stay in the city of Patrae. On November 30 A.D. 69, Andrew was crucified on the shore of the Gulf of Patrae.

research help: ' The Twelve' by C. Bernard Ruffin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 30, 2021

12: Simon bar Jonah

 12: Simon bar Jonah by ric gustafson

Simon bar Jonah a fisherman became St Peter. He is the rock on which the Church was founded. Peter was stocky, muscular at five feet four inches. He had a fair complexion and a curly beard. Peter was born in Bethsaida. Simon went to school at the local synagogue. As a teen, Simon went to work as a fisherman. In his late teens or early twenties, a bride was selected for him. We know hardly anything about his wife. In his early thirties, Simon lived in Capernaum with his family. Jesus called Simon Cephas or Peter. 
Peter was loyal to and loved Jesus. Peter's home became Jesus's headquarters. Peter was leader of the 12. He was outspoken and inquisitive. Peter acknowledged Jesus as Messiah and the Son of God. Peter was at the Transfiguration and walked on water. Peter was at Gethsemane. 
After Jesus was lifted up to Heaven, Peter took command of the Christian community. Peter was beheaded in A.D. 67.

research help: ' The Twelve' by C Bernard Ruffin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the stranger who came to town page 13

 the stranger who came to town page 13 by ric gustafson

Josh was folding bulletins. He heard a knock. 
" Hi Josh".
" Hi Mr Tang". He turned to the man helping him fold. " Frank, this is Mr Tang who is staying at the motel".
They shook hands. " Nice to meet you".
" Josh, where is Pastor Winters bible study?".
" Across the hall".
As Mr Tang walked out, he noticed a small safe in the corner of the workroom.
A short time later, Jessica ran into the bible study.
" Pastor Winters, we've been robbed".
" What!". Pastor Winters jumped up from his chair. " How?".
" Mr Tang wanted to speak with Josh". Jessica began to cry. " He was waiting in the workroom".
Josh walked in. " What's wrong?".
" Have you seen Mr Tang?".
" He quickly walked past me". He frowned. " He said he had to get back to the motel". He frowned. " What's wrong?".
Jessica dabbed her eyes with a tissue. " The church has been robbed".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 12

 the stranger who came to town page 12 by ric gustafson

Josh walked into the lobby of the motel. His father was filling the snack and candy machine. " Morning Dad".
" Morning Josh". He kept filling the machine. " How was the breakfast bible study at Flo's?".
" Great as usual". His voice hesitated. " As I was leaving, Mr Tang was coming in".
" Something about him always bothers me".
" I cleaned his room after he left". He frowned. " I noticed something strange on the dresser".
Brandon put the candy and snack box underneath the front counter. " Like what?".
" It looked like a small statue that you could worship".
" I feel strange when he's around".
" I feel strange around him too".
" Are you going to church to help them put together Sunday's bulletins?".
" I am". He hugged his dad. " Love you".
" Love you too Josh". He smiled at his son, " Say hello to Clarice".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 11

 the stranger who came to town page 11 by ric gustafson

As Homer waited for his car to be fixed, Pastor Winters walked in. Homer opened the door for him.
" Pastor Winters". Homer gave him a strange grin. " I was reading the church bulletin yesterday". 
" I hope it was informative". 
" It was". He stared at the pastor. " It said you have a bible study tomorrow".
" Yes we do".
" I'm not leaving for a few more days". He chuckled. " Would you mind if I came to the bible study?".
" Everyone is welcome".
" Great, see you tomorrow". He walked out. 
Pastor Winters put a paper and a soda on the counter.
Linda rang up the items. " Anything else Pastor?".
" No Linda". He picked up his items. " Did you see Mr Tang?".
" Yes". She smiled as another customer walked in. " I said hi to him".
" Every time I see him". He shook his head. " A chill goes up and down my spine".
" Really". She rang up items for the new customer. " I think he's really nice".
" Take care Linda". He walked out.
She smiled as she raised her healed arm up and down several times.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 26, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 10

 the stranger who came to town page 10 by ric gustafson

Parnell Richards put $25.00 on the wooden counter. " When are these gas prices going to go down?".
" Hopefully soon". Linda Langford put the money into the register.
Mark Phipps walked in with Homer Tang.
" It looks like one of your belts needs to be replaced".
" How long would it take to replace it?".
" I have one in stock". He smiled. " Not long".
" Great, go ahead and do it".
Linda waved. " Mr Tang".
Homer smiled and walked over. "How are you Mrs Langford?". He smiled. " How is the shoulder?".
" Thanks to you". She raised her arm several times. " Good as new".
" That's great". He turned to leave.
" To show my gratitude Mr Tang". She smiled. " Would you like to come over and have diiner tomorrow night with my husband and I?". Her voice hesitated. " I make great pot roast".
Homer chuckled. " I would be delighted to".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 25, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 9

 the stranger who came to town page 9 by ric gustafson

" Hello Mr Tang". Brandon put the ledger away. " Have you decided to check out?".
" Actually, that's what I wanted to talk about". He smiled at Clarice. " How is the arm and elbow doing?".
" Great, thank you".
" Mr Marcotte, my travel plans have changed". He gave him a strange grin. " I would like to stay here for a few more days". He took out his wallet. " I assume it's still thirty if I eat at Flora's".
" That's right".
" I hope the room has been satisfactory".
" It's been just fine". He put some money on the front counter.
" I have been hearing a strange noise coming from my car". He grinned. " I was wondering where the closest service station is?".
" About a mile down the highway is Phipps Service Station".
" Thank you". He walked toward the front door. " Good night Clarice".
" Good night Mr Tang".
He walked out.
" Well, let's get to work".
They began to clean.

research help: original story

Merry Christmas. Love Ric

the stranger who came to town page 8

 the stranger who came to town page 8 by ric gustafson

Clarice entered the motel's lobby. She noticed Josh's dad was vacuuming. " Hi Mr Marcotte".
Brandon turned off the vacuum. " Hi Clarice". He put the vacuum away. " Thank you for agreeing to help me around the motel".
" Your welcome".
Brandon began to study the motel's financial ledger. " Where's Josh?".
" He wanted to talk to Pastor Winters". Her voice hesitated. " Mr Tang gave me a ride back".
" Something about him gives me the chills".
" What do you mean?". She gave him a shocked look. " He's a nice man who cares about people".
" How do you know that?".
" He healed me". She showed him her elbow and arm. " He touched them and they were healed".
" How do you know he healed you?".
" I could barely lift them". She nervously played with her hair. " And now I can".
They heard the front door open.
" Good afternoon Mr Marcotte and Clarice".

research help: original story

Merry Christmas. Love Ric

Friday, December 24, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 7

 the stranger who came to town page 7 by ric gustafson

Homer's Saturn headed down the highway toward the Smokey Flats Motel. " How long have you known Josh?".
" I've known Josh ever since junior high school".
" Are you a Christian Clarice?".
" I'm not a believer". She smiled. " I do go to church with Josh".
" How is your arm and elbow?".
" Great". She moved them up and down with no pain. " Whatever you did thank you".
Homer drove into a stall in the empty parking lot. " I hope business improves for the motel".
" I hope so also". Clarice opened the passenger door and got out. " Thank you for the ride Mr Tang".
" My pleasure".
She walked into the motel lobby.
Homer returned to his room. He worshiped his golden calf statue for hours.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the stranger who came to town page 6

 the stranger who came to town page 6 by ric gustafson

Homer quietly sat down in a pew. Pastor Winters was starting his sermon on I John 4. Homer yawned several times as he listened for twenty minutes. When the service ended, an elderly woman next to Homer stood up. 
" I don't think we've met". She winced as she tried to shake Homer's hand. " I'm Linda Langford".
" Homer Tang". He gave her a strange grin. " May I ask what happened to your shoulder?".
" I had surgery on it a couple of years ago". She frowned. " I have trouble lifting my left hand".
" I'm sorry to hear that". He put his hand on top of her left shoulder. Instant warmth came to her shoulder. She raised her left hand with ease.
Homer grinned. " I hope it get's better".
" Mr Tang, I have a favor to ask".
" What's that Josh?".
" Can you take Clarice back to the motel so she can help Dad?". Josh smiled. " I need to speak with Pastor Winters".
" Of course". Homer walked up to Pastor Winters. " Interesting sermon about false prophets".
" Pastor Winters, this is Homer Tang".
The Pastor stared at the man wearing a red shirt and dark sunglasses. 
" He's staying at the motel".
They shook hands. 
After he shook Homer's hand, a strange feeling came over Pastor Winters.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 23, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 5

 the stranger who came to town page 5 by ric gustafson

" I'm sorry I cannot shake your hand Mr Tang". Clarice winced as she rubbed her arm and elbow. " It's really sore due to my tennis playing".
" I'm sorry to hear that". Homer touched Clarice's arm. She felt warmth to her arm and elbow. The pain left her. " I hope you'll feel better".
She looked at Homer with an astonished stare. She and Josh sat down and ordered breakfast. Flora brought them scrambled eggs and toast.
Flora gave Homer his bill.
" So where are you going after breakfast?".
" Church". Josh grinned. " We go to the only church in town".
He gave Flora some money. " What church is that?".
" Abundant Joy Lutheran Church". Clarice smiled. " It's the only church in town".
" Would you mind if I came to a service?". Homer gave a strange grin. " My travel plans have changed".
" Sure". Josh smiled. " Why don't you come with us right now?".
" Ok".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 4

 the stranger who came to town page 4 by ric gustafson

Flora was pouring a cup of coffee when she noticed the stranger walk in. He sat down in a corner booth. She picked up a menu and took it to the table.
" Good morning". She handed him the greasy menu. " Can I get you something to drink?".
Homer stared at her through his dark sunglasses. " Yes, black coffee". When she left to get the coffee, he opened up the menu. Pancakes sounded good this morning. He quickly glanced around the small diner, for a Sunday morning there were not many patrons. He let out an evil chuckle. Probably there all at church.
" Here's your coffee". Flora poured him a cup and put down the coffeepot as well. " Anything on the menu look good?".
" I'll have the pancake short stack". He put the menu down. " And keep the black coffee coming". She left to put the order in.
Just then, Josh and Clarice walked in. They sat down at a table next to Homer's.
" Good morning Josh".
The young man quickly turned around. " Morning Mr Tang". He pointed at the young woman at the table. " You remember my friend Clarice".
" Of course".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 3

 the stranger who came to town page 3 by ric gustafson

Homer opened the door of room 12. He walked in and turned on the light. The room was sparse. He put two black suitcases on the single bed. From one of the suitcases, he took out a small golden calf statue. He put it on top of the dresser. For the next hour, he chanted to the statue. Then he laid on the bed and took a nap.
" Hi Dad". Josh and Clarice Anderson walked into the lobby. Brandon was dusting the front counter.
" Hi Josh". Brandon smiled at the girl next to his son. " Hello Clarice".
" Hi Mr Marcotte".
Josh got some ice from the ice machine. " Any customers tonight?".
" Just one".
" Hello".
Startled, Josh turned to see a man wearing a red polo shirt and dark sunglasses.
" I'm Homer Tang". He gave Josh a strange look. " Nice to meet you".
When Josh shook Homer's hand, a strange feeling occured.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 20, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 2

 the stranger who came to town page 2 by ric gustafson

Brandon was just finishing up his dinner. He heard the front door of the motel open. He looked over the counter. Seeing nobody, he sat back down. He was hoping a customer had walked in. 
A deep voice came from in front of the counter. " Hello".
Brandon stood up to see a tall man, He was wearing a red shirt and dark sunglasses.
" May I help you?".
" Yes, I was driving toward Marquette". He frowned. " Then I realized how late it is".
" That happens a lot here".
" I was wondering if I could get a room for tonight?".
" Sure we have plenty of rooms". He took out Room 12 key and handed it to the stranger. " Room 12, four rooms down on the left".
The stranger took out a black wallet. " How much is the room?".
" 40 dollars a night". He put a registration card in front of the stranger." But I'll give you a ten dollar discount if you eat at Flora's in the morning".
" Agreed". The stranger signed the card and gave Brandon $30.
With the key in hand, he walked toward the front door.
Brandon glanced at the card. " Welcome Mr Tang to the Smokey Flats Motel".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 19, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 1

 the stranger who came to town page 1 by ric gustafson

Brandon Marcotte turned off the bathroom light of room 8. He put his cleaning caddy on the cart outside the door. He closed the door and began to wheel the cart down toward the utility room. He put the cart away and walked toward the entrance of the 16 room motel. As he walked by room 15, his son Josh walked out of the room carrying an empty paint can.
" Room 15 is finished Dad". He put the paint can down.
" That's great".
" Dad". He smiled. " Now that I'm done, Can I go to Ron's house for bible study?".
" Sure". He handed his son the keys to his pickup. " Be careful driving".
" Of course". He got into the pickup and quickly left.
Brandon watched as his teenaged son left in his blue pickup. He walked into the motel lobby and got a paper sack out of the refrigerator. He sat down behind the counter and began to eat. The evening was quiet as usual. Smokey Flats was a very small town. Usually people drive by his motel to get to the big city of Marquette 30 miles away. Without more people staying, he wasn't sure how he could keep the motel going. Brandon prayed to God for help and guidance. After praying, he finished his sandwich and chips. As the night went on, he began to yawn. It was another quiet night in Smokey Flats.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 18, 2021

the narrow gatekeeper page 2

 the narrow gatekeeper page 2 by ric gustafson

Endless masses of people were walking by. One elderly woman walked over. 
Pop opened the gate.
" Why do the majority of people walking by ignore the sign and this gate?".
" Different reasons". He opened the gate for a young boy. " Some have hardened hearts and want to live their life their way".
" Everyone can see the sign".
" That is true". Pop frowned. " Everyone has to make a choice".
" Few take the sign to heart". He opened the gate for a young female. " Most people ignore the sign and the gate".
Doug smiled. " I would like to walk through this gate".
" Great". He opened the gate. " He's been waiting for you".
He opened the gate. Doug walked through it smiling.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the stranger who came to town prelude

 the stranger who came to town prelude by ric gustafson

Homer woke up. After hearing cries of torment and suffering, he had just closed his eyes. He could sense someone in the darkness standing next to him.
" Morning Demon".
Homer yawned.
" You did a wonderful job with your latest assignment".
" Thank you Master".
" I have a new assignment for you". He handed Homer a piece of paper. " Everything you need to know is on this paper".
Homer stared at the paper. " You want me to destroy everything God has done for these people".
Satan grinned. " Yes".
" I will do your bidding".
" Now go".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the narrow gatekeeper page 1

 the narrow gatekeeper page 1 by ric gustafson

I was walking along a broad road. I noticed all kinds of people walking on this road. Old, young, women and children. They were all walking toward the same destination. So was I. The broad road was leading toward a wide gate with a gatekeeper dressed in red.
At one point as I walked, I noticed something odd to the left. It was a small narrow gate. On top was a small sign saying ' this way to eternal life'. Something in my heart told me to step out of this mass of people and check out this narrow gate.
I walked up to the small gate. A young bearded man in white was opening up the gate for a young couple to enter.
The young gatekeeper smiled at me. " Hello".
" Hi" I nervously replied.
" Welcome". He shook my hand. " I'm glad you noticed my narrow gate".
I watched as endless masses of people were walking by. " Not too many people come over here".
" Everyone can see the sign and the gate". He frowned with sadness. " Very few actually walk over here".
I shook his hand. It looked scarred. " My name is Doug".
He smiled as he opened the gate for an elderly man. " You can call me Pop".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 17, 2021

Heaven 101 page 10

 Heaven 101 page 10 by ric gustafson

Pop looked at the clock. " It's our last time together, let's get started". He looked at the students. " Can you tell me a simple concept of Hell?".
A male raised his hand. " Seperation from God for all eternity".
" Correct". He grinned. " How many times is it mentioned in the bible?".
A female raised her hand. " 15 times".
" What names did they call it?".
Bryson raised his hand. " Hades, Tartarus and Gehenna".
" Correct". " Who brought the concept of hell to the masses other than Jesus?".
Bryson raised his hand. " Two European poets".
" And who were they?".
A female raised her hand. " Italian poet Dante Alighieri and English poet John Milton".
Pop looked at the time. " I hope you got a lot out of this class".
Everyone left. Bryson was the last to leave.
" Oh Bryson".
" Yes Pop".
" Remember Bryson". He pointed at his watch. " There is no time in Heaven".
Bryson smiled as he left.

The End

research help: ' the complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

blood of Jesus: access to God

 blood of Jesus: access to God by ric gustafson

Hebrews 10 tells us because of Jesus's blood, we can enter the holy place. We can approach God because we are covered in the blood of Jesus. We are not perfect. Even though we are legally forgiven for our sins, we need continual cleansing. According to I John 1, each time we come to God and confess our sins he faithfully forgives us. Jesus's blood is the only thing that can pay for man's sin. If not for Jesus's blood, we would be forever seperated from God. Before his Father, Jesus is our advocate.

The End

research help: In Touch April 2010

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Heaven 101 page 9

 Heaven 101 page 9 by ric gustafson

Pop looked at the time. " It's 6 let's start". He stared at the students. " As far as the angels, who are the seraphim?".
Bryson raised his hand. " The holiest of angels".
" How are they described in the book of Isaiah?".
A male raised his hand. " They have six wings and circle God's throne".
" And what do they chant all day?".
A female raised her hand. " Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts".
" That is correct". Pop smiled. " What are the cherubim?".
Bryson raised his hand. " They work on heavenly tasks".
" What else do they do?".
A male raised his hand. " They are involved with celestial enforcement".
" Correct". Pop looked at the time. " Our last class, we will discuss what does Hell have to do with Heaven?

research help: ' the complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 16, 2021

blood of Jesus: sanctification

 blood of Jesus: sanctification by ric gustafson

According to Hebrews 13, at the moment of salvation, Jesus sanctifies us with his blood. We are set apart as God's child from that time forward. We are saved, redeemed, justified, reconciled and then sanctified. Sanctification is a process in which Jesus is transforming us in his image. We grow in godliness, obedience and understanding. Salvation is just the beginning. Jesus wants to renew every area of our life. He wants us to become a servant and ambassador for him in a sinful world. The Holy Spirit is in us and guiding us in that process. Praise God's name.

research help: In Touch April 2010

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Skywalker page 15

 Skywalker page 15 by ric gustafson

Darth Vader started to realize that the dark side has an insatiable hunger. Vader became an enforcer not to be crossed. Upon the Jedi Temple's sacred ground, Palpatine built a new Imperial Palace. Vader and Palpatine began working on Project Stardust. This superweapon would be called the Death Star.
Leia Organa was a curious child. She enjoyed roaming around her family's castle. She was never told the names of her birth parents. She believed she was adopted. She believed that her biological father was killed in the Clone Wars. She believed that her mother died during childbirth. She was adopted into the Royal House of Alderaan. She was loved and cared for by Bail and Queen Breha. Alderaan citizens wanted Leia to become the next Queen. Bail told Leia stories about the Clone Wars. 
At the age of 14, Leia got an internship in her father's senatorial office. Leia had been brought up with the best tutors. At 16, she climbed Appenza Peak as part of her Day of Demand. She spearheaded charity missions and joined the Apprentice Legislature. At times, she rebelled against Bail and Breha. At other times, she enjoyed the privileges of royalty.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

blood of Jesus: reconciliation

 blood of Jesus: reconciliation by ric gustafson

Sometimes a relationship is based on seperation and alienation. Sometimes that relationship can become accepted and restored. That change is known as reconciliation. God brought restoration to the world by sending his Son into the world. Through Jesus's blood on the cross, reconciliation was established between God and man. Because of Jesus's blood, we are presented blameless before God the Father. All the barriers have been removed. A relationship with Jesus is possible for everyone.

research help: In Touch April 2010

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Skywalker page 14

 Skywalker page 14 by ric gustafson

Darth Sidious rushed to Darth Vader's side. His lungs were charred which made breathing difficult. His nerve endings were about destroyed. Darth Vader was taken to Coruscant and the Grand Republic Medical Facility. Vader's wounds were cleaned. He was encased in a cybernetic suit to support his breathing. 
A black mask was lowered over his face. A helmet was placed over his bald head. Anakin Skywalker was no more. 
Darth Vader became a cyborg of staggering strength. Vader asked about Padme. Sidious told him that she had died. His agony was worse than losing his mother. Sidious gave him a choice. He can turn his anger into defiant strength or die. 
Before Padme died, she gave birth to twins. The male was named Luke by his mother. The female was named Leia. The two babies were split up so the Sith would not find them. Padme was buried as a former Queen and politician. 

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

blood of Jesus: Justification

 blood of Jesus: Justification by ric gustafson

According to Romans 5, the wrath of God will fall on sinful mankind. But those who are justified by the blood of Jesus will be saved. According to Romans 3, what is full payment for our sins?. It is the death of God's Son. Jesus is the substitute because he was sinless. Through justification, Jesus paid our account in full. We are declared righteous in Jesus's eyes. 

research help: In Touch April 2010

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 13, 2021

blood of Jesus: forgiveness

 blood of Jesus: forgiveness by ric gustafson

Jesus will not forgive us simply because we ask him. The basis for Jesus's pardon is not our request. Our pardon is from Jesus's payment of our debt. Our sin must be punished. To forgive our trespasses, there must be a payment. The death of God's perfect Son is a basis that he will forgive. According to Ephesians 1:7, we must come to God in faith and repentance. There is nothing we can do to earn God's forgiveness. Only when Jesus's blood is applied to our lives is pardon granted. Jesus paid our debt. 

research help: In Touch April 2010

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 12, 2021

blood of Jesus: redemption

 blood of Jesus: redemption by ric gustafson

To redeem is to buy something back. Jesus came to the cross for the purpose of purchasing us from a life of slavery to sin. All of us have a sin nature according to Romans 3:23. In order for us to be free, a price has to be paid. Jesus paid the price that God required to satisfy his holy justice. What was the cost of our redemption?. It was the blood of Jesus. Jesus was the sacrifice in our place. The payment of Jesus's blood set us free from bondage to sin and have received the power of the Holy Spirit. 

research help: In Touch April 2010

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 11, 2021

the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 3

 the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 3 by ric gustafson

" We are on that tree to represent gifts that the wise men brought for the baby".
The sand dollars raised their voices. " The baby Jesus".
The jack in the box bounced up and down. " That's right".
" Now I'm beginning to understand" replied one of the sand dollars. " We had been on that tree for so long without knowing".
" Long, you call that long".
" Miss Gulch please".
" Why, you've only just begun".
" Let's get back on that tree".
" Give me back my slippers".
" Miss Gulch please".
" Poppies will put them to sleep".
" Let's remember why we are here for?".
" Who killed my sister?".
" The real meaning of Christmas is that baby Jesus came to save us".
With joy in their hearts, the ornaments picked up their hooks.
" I'm melting melting".
They ran to get on that Christmas tree.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 2

 the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 2 by ric gustafson

The Christmas jack in the box bounced onto a folding chair. " I called this meeting because I heard there were grumblings among the ornaments".
One of the sand dollars spoke up. " We're not sure why we are here?".
" What do you mean?".
" We were in Florida and then someone brought us here". The sand dollar frowned. " Are we here by accident?".
" Well my pretty, I can cause accidents too".
" Miss Gulch, please".
" Raise your hooks". The jack in the box smiled. " If you are not sure why you are here?".
All of the ornaments raised their hooks.
" I will explain why you are all here".
" These things must be done delicately".
" Miss Gulch, please".
All of the ornaments moved closer to the jack in the box to listen.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Madeleine Astor page 3

 Madeleine Astor page 3 by ric gustafson

Dear Jakey

One day, I was at the Robin Hood Park Raceway watching a race with my father. That day, I wore a picture hat and a cream silk scarf. All of a sudden, someone was standing right next to me.
" Miss Force". Colonel Astor smiled. " It is a pleasure to see you again".
" Colonel Astor". She turned around. " I did not realize you were standing there".
" Sometimes I'm stealthy as a cat".
" Colonel Astor, this is my father William Force".
They shook hands.
" Miss Force, are you a fan of the ponies?".
" Sometimes".
" Mr Force, I would like to invite you and your family to spend the weekend at my cottage".
" That is a kind offer Colonel".
He smiled at Madeleine. " There might be a yacht race this weekend".
Mr Force smiled. " We glady accept your hospitality".

research help: ' The second Mrs Astor' by Shana Abe

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 10, 2021

Madeleine Astor page 2

 Madeleine Astor page 2 by ric gustafson

Dear Jakey
One night, I was helping Mom and Dad with a party they were giving. At one point, I was greeting guests. Then I noticed someone behind me. It was your father.
" Miss Force". He smiled. " I hope I did not startle you".
" Not at all".
He was black clad and elegant. His hair was cut and combed. His gaze was focused on me.
" This is the first time I've seen you here in Bar Harbor".
He grinned. " My summer house is in Newport".
" And mine is here".
At dinner, we were not seated together. Next to me was a friend Leta Wright.
" Maddy, who sent you flowers?".
I blushed. " Colonel Astor".
" Who?".
I blushed again. " John Jacob Astor".
" Were you thrilled?".
" I was surprised".
" Maddy, he's too old and divorced".
I did not care.

research help: ' The second Mrs Astor' by Shana Abe

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 1

 the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 1 by ric gustafson

The Christmas jack in the box bounced up to the podium. " Are we all here?".
" Sand dollars". 
" Here here here".
" Christmas Dog".
" Woof Woof".
" Red Christmas Choo Choo".
" Choo Choo".
" Miss Gulch".
All the ornaments looked around.
" Has anybody seen the new Hallmark Christmas ornament".
There was a loud cackle. " I'll get you my pretty".
The Jack in the Box smiled. " It looks like Miss Gulch has arrived".
" And your little dog too".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Madeleine Astor page 1

 Madeleine Astor page 2 by ric gustafson

Dear Jakey

The next time I saw your father, I was seventeen. I was in a play in Bar Harbor. While I was doing a twirl, I saw him. After the performance, I was talking to a friend Mrs Ogden Mills. A man was standing right behind her.
" Miss Force". She grinned and pointed to the man behind her. " This is Colonel John Jacob Astor".
" Colonel, this is Madeleine Force daughter of William and Katherine Force".
The Colonel took her hand. " You were great tonight".
I frowned. " It could of been better".
He smiled. " I don't see how".
A moment later, he was gone
I walked back to be with my castmates.
The next morning, flowers began to arrive.

research help: ' The second Mrs Astor' by Shana Abe

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Madeleine Astor Prelude

 Madeleine Astor Prelude by ric gustafson

Dear Jakey,

I wanted to tell you about your father. I gave you his name. I was thirteen the first time I saw him. I was a school girl enjoying Bailey's Beach. I saw him there with his mother. 
Colonel John Jacob Astor was an inventor and a war hero. Then he smiled at me from a distance. And then he was gone.
I wondered when I would see him again.

research help: ' the second Mrs Astor' by Shana Abe

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I was there: the Fisherman

 I was there: the Fisherman by ric gustafson

Simon Peter was beloved in God's Word. He was real. We can identify with him. And like Peter, we fail shamefully. We need to look at Peter's strengths and weaknesses. Peter was a working man a fisherman. He is like us. No matter how many times Peter screwed up, God still used him. God does the same for us. 
Peter was the first apostle to witness Jesus's resurrection. Peter spoke the first Christian message on Pentecost. Peter died a martyr's death in Rome, 

The End.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

I was there: the Doubter

 I was there: the Doubter by ric gustafson

Thomas was a faithful follower of Jesus. He was not the only disciple to question the resurrection. Doubt is a real thing. There is a difference between doubt and unbelief. Doubt is an involuntary emotion. Unbelief is an act of the will. Upon seeing the resurrected Jesus, Thomas cried out ' my Lord and my God". The unbeliever chooses not to believe. It is said that Thomas became a missionary in Parthia and Persia. Tradition also places Thomas in India where he was martyred. Wherever he was, he was not the doubting disciple any longer. Praise God's name.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

I was there: the Harlot

 I was there: the Harlot by ric gustafson

Jesus had a special ministry to women. He understood their needs. He felt their sorrows and pain. He met their needs with compassion. At the time, women had no rights. Jesus treated them with respect and dignity.
Mary Magdalene was a woman and demon possessed. Jesus saved her. She was the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection. She was lost but Jesus saved her. Jesus will never give up on us.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Heaven 101 page 8

 Heaven 101 page 8 by ric gustafson

Pop stared at the students. " What are guardian angels?".
A male raised his hand. " An angel from heaven who intercedes on our behalf".
" And what bible verse talks about that?".
Bryson raised his hand. " Psalm 91:11".
" And what is the job of guardian angels?".
A female raised her hand. " To keep us safe from harm".
" Anything else?".
A male raised his hand. " To listen to our prayers".
" Anything else?".
Bryson raised his hand. " To keep us on the right path".
" Correct". Pop looked at the clock. " Next class, we will look at the seraphim and the cherubim".

research help: ' the complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 5, 2021

I was there: the Mother

 I was rhere: the Mother by ric gustafson

Mary was the mother of Jesus. She had courage. There were a lot of risks becoming the mother of our Lord. She was jeopardizing her marriage, reputation and her life. In faith, she surrendered to the will of God. God the Father chose Mary to be the mother of our Lord. Mary was a peasant girl 13 or 14. She had no special gifts. God the Father wanted Mary to accomplish the impossible.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 4, 2021

I was there: the Centurion

 I was there: the Centurion by ric gustafson

A centurion was in charge of the crucifixion detail. He watched and observed the events of Jesus dying. He heard Jesus's last cry. He watched him die. Who was Jesus?.  Was he a liar who claimed to be the Son of God?.  Was he a mad man who suffered from delusions?. Was he a good man who was deceived?. Or was Jesus divine the Son of the Living God the Savior of the world. When the centurion saw Jesus die, he proclaimed. " Surely this man was the Son of God".

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 3, 2021

Skywalker page 13

 Skywalker page 13 by ric gustafson

Anakin became a slave to Palpatine. It had a profound effect on him. He believed that his brutal actions were a means to a noble end. On the planet of Mustafar, Anakin pondered what he had done at the Jedi Temple. Padme came to see him. She was concerned about what Obi Wan had told her. He told her that Anakin had gone to the dark side. He had become Anakin's enemy. 
Padme begged Anakin to go with her to Naboo. She wanted to have the baby there and with Anakin to start their family. He told Padme he did not believe in democracy. Padme finally understood. He needed control by himself. It broke Padme's heart. Padme refused to follow Anakin's heart. She begged him to stop before it was too late. Obi Wan showed up and stopped Anakin from choking Padme. 
Obi Wan saw what Anakin had become. He was hell bent on the dark side. A fight ensued. Obi Wan severed Anakin's legs and his last limb. He went back to help Padme.
Anakin lay dying on the lava river.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Heaven 101 page 7

 Heaven 101 page 7 by ric gustafson

Pop looked at the clock. " It's 6 let's start". He smiled. " Does Buddhism believe in heaven?".
A male raised his hand. " They believe in Samsara which is a life cycle".
" And what is their goal?".
Bryson raised his hand. " They want to escape from that cycle?".
" And what do they call that?".
A female raised her hand. " Nirvana".
" And what is the ultimate goal?".
Bryson raised his hand again. " To be reborn into a good realm".
" Correct". Pop looked at the clock. " Next class, we will look at guardian angels and heaven".

research help: ' the complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I was there: the Convicted

 I was there: the Convicted by ric gustafson

There were two people on either side of Jesus's cross. One thief did nothing. The other thief gained eternal life. He took heart. He trusted Jesus with his eternal soul. His past was a mess and his destiny an unmarked grave. He had nothing to offer Jesus but his sins. He proved that all God wants is  our hearts nothing else. Jesus forgave him on the cross and welcomed him into paradise. No matter our mess, God still loves us. God still wants us. Praise God's name.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 2, 2021

I was there: the Cyrenian

 I was there: the Cyrenian by ric gustafson

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke mention Simon of Cyrene. The Gospel of Mark mentions that he had two sons named Alexander and Rufus. There is not much information on this man. This man's encounter with Jesus was life changing. It was not by accident that he was there that Passover morning. It was the grace of God that put him there. Because he was there that day and carried Jesus's cross, his life changed forever. Hopefully he and his family became Christians. Praise God's name.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Heaven 101 page 6

 Heaven 101 page 6 by ric gustafson

Pop looked at the students. " Does Hinduism believe in heaven?".
A female raised her hand. " Yes, the cycle of Samsara".
" What is Samsara?".
A male raised his hand. " It includes birth, life death and rebirth".
" And what is Moksha?".
Bryson raised his hand. " It's a liberation of the soul from the cycle of death and reincarnation".
" And what is Brahman?".
Bryson smiled. " He is the supreme god force within all things"
" Lastly, what is karma?".
A female raised her hand. " The sum of good and bad actions in the last life".
" Correct". He looked at the time. " Next class we will discuss does Buddhism believe in heaven?".

research help: ' the complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I was there: the Acquitted

 I was there: the Acquitted by ric gustafson

Little is known about Barabbas. He was a murderer and an insurrectionist. Was Barabbas guilty of sins?. Of course. We are also. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Was Barabbas under a sentence of death?. Yes and so are we. Barabbas was supposed to be on a cross. We should have been on a cross. Jesus was on a cross to save us. Did Barabbas ever realize what Jesus did for him?.  We do not know. Jesus became our substitute. He took our place on that cross so that we can spend eternity with God and Jesus.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

I was there: the Governor

 I was there: the Governor by ric gustafson

It has been said that Pilate's wife became a believer. It has been said that Pilate is forever seeking forgiveness. He is forever trying to wash away his guilt. Not for the evil he did but for the kindness he did not do. What happened to Pilate that day in Jerusalem was a foregone conclusion. That day was a consequence of the choices of a lifetime. Pilate chose expediency over character. He did not have the moral strength to do what is right. Praise God's name.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 29, 2021

I was there: the Betrayer

 I was there: the Betrayer by ric gustafson

Judas thought he was lost. He was wrong. He did not have to be eternally lost. His salvation was just a prayer away. This is the promise of Scripture. Jesus came to save sinners. Such grace and love was hard for Judas to handle. He went and hanged himself. If you feel you are too far from God, think again. God loves us more than anything else. That is comforting.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 28, 2021

I was there: the Son

 I was there: the Son by ric gustafson

Crucifixion is hard to grasp. We cannot explain it but accept it by faith. Jesus came to the cross as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. He came as the sinless one to suffer for sinless humanity. He was the righteous one for the unrighteous. God put on his Son the full weight of his wrath. Jesus paid the ultimate penalty for our sin. Jesus had to die so we could live.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Skywalker page 12

 Skywalker page 12 by ric gustafson

Finally, Palpatine had a new apprentice. Anakin pledged to him total loyalty. Anakin knelt down to Darth Sidious. Anakin was mortal and was deceived by a lie. By serving Palpatine, Anakin became an instrument of evil. Palpatine tried to convince everyone that the Jedi were rebels and on their own course of domination. He got into Anakin's life as a mentor and a friend. He swayed the young man from the Jedi. He inflated Anakin's ego and gave him confidence. He appealed to his desire for power. He turned Anakin into an agent of disaster.
Palpatine sent Anakin to kill everyone at the Jedi Temple. Next, Palpatine went in front of the Galactic Senate. He told them of the Jedi plot to eliminate him. He promised to hunt down all the remaining Jedi. He vowed to dismantle the Republic and organize a new Galactic Empire with himself as their first Emperor.
Yoda told Obi Wan to stop Anakin now called Darth Vader. Obi Wan went to Padme to try to find him.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 26, 2021

Skywalker page 11

 Skywalker page 11 by ric gustafson

Instead of Anakin, the Jedi Council chose Obi Wan to eliminate Grievous. The Council was beginning to feel that Palpatine was behind the war. To what end, they were not sure. Obi Wan had not been the father figure Anakin needed. Anakin knew he was not the Jedi he was supposed to be. He wanted more. He wanted the power of the dark side. Darth Sidious the alter ego of Palpatine knew Anakin was ready to give in to raw anger. 
Palpatine dismissed Jedi views as narrow. He figured out that Palpatine was the Sith Lord. He found out that he had orchestrated the Clone Wars. He implanted Count Dooku as the figurehead of the Separatist movement. 
At one point, Palpatine faced Jedi Master Windu. They fought while Anakin watched. At one point, Palpatine was about to be killed by Windu. Anakin had to act. Both men pleaded that the other was a traitor. As Windu was about to kill Palpatine, he begged Anakin to save him. Anakin severed Windu's saber hand. Palpatine gave Windu a jolt of dark energy. He plummeted out a window to his death.
Anakin knew his life had changed forever. He made a deal with the dark side.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Skywalker page 10

 Skywalker page 10 by ric gustafson

At the age of 22, Anakin was going to be a father. Anakin met with the Jedi Council. They decided not to promote him to Jedi Master. To Anakin, it was an insult. It made him enraged. The Chosen One again was being cast aside. Then the Jedi Council wanted Anakin to be a spy against his friend Palpatine. Anakin seeked comfort from Padme. She asked Anakin to speak with Palpatine about ending the war. Anakin refused.
That evening, Anakin joined Palpatine at the Galaxies Opera House. He told Anakin that he knew the Jedi Council was trying to oust him. Anakin no longer trusted the Jedi. They had asked him to be dishonest.
Anakin would not let go of Padme or his child. Anakin had visions of Padme dying in a fire.
He felt tortured.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Love Ric

Heaven 101 page 5

 Heaven 101 page 5 by ric gustafson

Pop was putting decorations on the Christmas tree. He looked at the time. " It's 6 let's start". He smiled. " Tonight's question is does Islam believe in heaven?".
A female raised her hand. " Yes".
" And what do they call it?".
Bryson raised his hand. " Jannah meaning paradise".
" And how do they describe this paradise?".
A male raised his hand. " Like a beautiful garden".
" And how do they describe this garden?".
Bryson raised his hand. " A place without pain, fear or sadness".
" Correct". Pop looked at the time. " Next class, we will look at Hinduism and heaven".

research help: ' The complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Happy Thanksgiving to all love Ric

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Heaven 101 page 4

 Heaven 101 page 4 by ric gustafson

Pop looked at the clock. " It's 6 let's start". He wrote on the board. " Here is tonight's question?". He smiled. " Does Judaism believe in heaven?".
Bryson raised his hand. " Yes".
" And what is the term they use for heaven?".
Bryson smiled. " Shamayim".
" And what is the definition of Shamayim?".
A female raised her hand. " The dwelling place of God and other heavenly beings".
" And what do they call the home of the living?".
A male raised his hand. " Erets".
" And what's the term for the world to come?".
A female raised her hand. " Olam Habah
" Bryson, what is the term for the abode of the righteous dead?".
" Sheol".
" Correct". He looked at the time. " Next time, we will look at how Islam looks at heaven".

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 22, 2021

Skywalker page 9

 Skywalker page 9 by ric gustafson

Anakin was praised for killing Dooku and safely returning Palpatine. Killing Dooku was part of Palpatine's plan. General Grievous became the leader of the Separatist Alliance. Anakin was happy to see Padme. He could not hide his love for her any longer. She told him some big news. Anakin was going to be a father. Feelings about his mother surfaced again in Anakin's mind. Padme suggested talking with Obi Wan might help him. He refused. Instead, Anakin talked to Master Yoda. Yoda was concerned about Anakin not surrendering to the Force. Palpatine picked Anakin to be his personal representative to the Jedi Council. Anakin accepted. He wanted to please Palpatine.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Skywalker page 8

 Skywalker page 8 by ric gustafson

At one point, the cyborg leader of the Separatists General Grievous was captured. At this time, Obi Wan could sense Anakin's troubled emotional state. Anakin disliked how he made him feel like a Jedi student. The war kept Anakin from displaying his true feelings for Padme. Obi Wan was always told by Anakin that he and Padme were just friends. Once out of jealousy, Anakin attacked a friend of Padme's. Padme began to ponder about their marriage. It was agreed upon that they would seperate for awhile. She no longer felt safe in Anakin's presence. He always apologized. He was drawing closer to the dark side.
During the battle of Coruscant, Anakin and Obi Wan were sent to rescue Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. During a fight with Dooku, Anakin had to blades to Dooku's neck. Palpatine told Anakin to kill him. Dooku pleaded for his life. Anakin lopped off his head. Anakin felt regret. He knew he should not kill out of spite or a grudge. The three of them narrowly escaped from General Grievous by flying his ship and crash landing on Coruscant.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 19, 2021

Skywalker page 7

 Skywalker page 7 by ric gustafson

War began to plague Anakin's conscience. The Sith was gaining strength. Jedi principles were being compromised. The Separatists were being led by Darth Sidious. R2-D2 became a companion to Anakin. Anakin's friendship with Palpatine was getting stronger. Palpatine told him that he was the Chosen One. Anakin's feelings were being drawn to the dark side. Anakin began to feel that the Jedi's ideals were not his own. 
When Anakin turned 22, he found solace in battle and being with troopers. As the war went on, the Jedi were losing their popularity. Being called the Chosen One was taxing on Anakin. His desire for control ran against the ideals of the Order. The continuing war drained the supply chain and soldiers of the Order. 
Palpatine was showing more interest in Anakin each day. Anakin became his bodyguard. The Supreme Chancellor was becoming more weaker and frail by the day. Over time, Anakin lost faith in the Jedi. He violated their protocols time and time again. He still could not walk away. He owed them too much.
With Padme by his side, Anakin felt supported and loved. She was a light in his life. Unknown to the Jedi, Padme and Anakin were married on Naboo by a holy man. Anakin felt in control. Padme tried to bring an end to the war through the Galactic Senate. 

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Heaven 101 page 3

 Heaven 101 page 3 by ric gustafson

Bryson walked in and sat down. Pop was decorating a small Christmas tree that was by his desk.
" That looks great Pop".
The other students came in and sat down.
At 6:00 Pop wrote a question on the board. " Will I have a body in heaven?".
A female raised her hand. " I sure hope so".
" How did the Apostle Paul answer the question?".
Bryson raised his hand. " We lose the mortal  and put on the immortal".
A male raised his hand. " Pop, what does that mean?".
" In heaven, we will see the essence of everyone we meet".
A female raised her hand. " So in heaven everyone is perfect".
" That is correct". He looked at the time. " The question for next class is what is Judaism's view of heaven?".

research help: ' The complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Skywalker page 6

 Skywalker page 6 by ric gustafson

One day, Anakin found out that Obi Wan Kenobi was in trouble. On a remote planet named Kamino, a Jedi Master named Sifo Dyas ordered the creation of a massive clone army. He did this without the approval of the Jedi Council. It's leader Nute Gunray harbored a grudge against Padme. Kenobi found out that a Separatist movement was forming on the planet of Geonosis. They were building droid soldiers.
Instead of helping Obi Wan, Anakin was ordered to keep protecting Senator Amidala. 
When Palpatine was given emergency powers, he activated the clone army which was a declaration of war. Obi Wan and Anakin fought against Dooku. Yoda saved them from death. Dooku fled to Coruscant.
War between the Republic and the Separatists went on for three years. This was known as the Clone Wars.
At this time, Anakin was barely in his twenties. He became a Jedi general. He built himself a new lightsaber and got a new glove to replace his old hand.
Anakin had changed. His hair grew darker and he enjoyed being a Jedi knight. His anger and wrath at times now helped him in his life.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Heaven 101 page 2

 Heaven 101 page 2 by ric gustafson

Bryson was studying Revelation 21.
POP walked in. He glanced at the clock. " Time to start". He stared at the students. " What is going on here in Revelation 21?".
Bryson spoke up. " An angel took the Apostle John to the top of a mountain".
" That's right". He smiled. " And why was he doing that?".
A male raised his hand. " To show him the New Jerusalem".
" The New Jerusalem is a term for what?".
A female raised her hand. " Heaven". 
" That's correct". POP grinned. " How is the New Jerusalem described?".
Bryson replied. " A massive city bathed in radiance and splendor".
" And do we need a sun or moon to shine on it?".
A female raised her hand. " No for the glory of God gives it light".
" That's right". POP looked at the time. " It's time to say goodnite".
He smiled. " Your question for next class is will I have a body in heaven?".

research help: ' The complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 15, 2021

Heaven 101 page 1

 Heaven 101 page 1 by ric gustafson

Bryson walked into the classroom. He sat down.
A young man in white walked in. He smiled. He wrote his name on the chalkboard. " My name is Professor Poppleton". He wrote again on the board. " But you can call me POP". He wrote again on the board. " And this is Heaven 101".
Bryson stared at the Professor. He wore pure white clothes and sported a dark beard.
Pop looked at Bryson. " And you must be Bryson".
He looked puzzled. " How do you know my name?".
He smiled as he handed out the syllabus. " Next class, we will start with a popular question about Heaven".
A female raised her hand. " What question is that?".
Pop smiled. " What does Heaven look like?". He looked at the clock.
" For next class, please look at Revelation 21".

research help: ' The complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 12, 2021

No Time page 10

 No Time page 10 by ric gustafson

Bryson and Jessica walked into the shop. " I've been waiting all day to get my watch back".
" I'll go get him". She walked into the back room.
They walked back out. Lester was holding an envelope. He handed it to Bryson. " Here's your repaired watch".
" Thank you". Bryson opened the envelope and took the watch out. He put it on. " It looks great".
Lester looked at Jessica. " How did the deliveries go today?".
" Great". She smiled at Bryson. " Bryson was a big help".
" Wonderful". He grinned at Bryson. " What did you learn from today?".
" From talking to these people today I learned a lot about time and heaven".
" Bryson told me he might take a class about heaven at Erskine College".
" That's great". Lester smiled at the young man. " Bryson always remember one thing".
" And what is that?".
" In Heaven there is no time".
" I'll remember that". He walked out.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time page 9

 No Time page 9 by ric gustafson

" This is a nice park". Bryson bit into a hotdog. " I did not know it was by the college we were just at".
Jessica watched kids at a nearby playground. " It's a nice park for the college kids to come to".
" Helping you today has opened my eyes as far as the concept of time". He took another bite of his hotdog. " Also about heaven".
" They are offering a short class about heaven here at Erskine College".
" Really". He took a sip of Diet Coke. " I might check that out".
Jessica's cell phone rang. She answered it. " Hello Lester". She listened. " Ok, I'll tell him". She smiled. " Lester is done fixing your watch".
" Great". He put his lunch sack in the trash.
" Seriously". She smiled as they stood up from the bench. " You should check out that class about heaven".
" I will think about it".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time page 8

 No Time page 8 by ric gustafson

Jessica handed Professor Humboldt an envelope. " Here is your watch Professor".
" Thank you Jessica". He put the envelope on his desk.
Bryson was glancing at a book on his office bookshelf.
He smiled. " Do you know about Archimedes?".
" Yes, he was a superb mathematician and engineer".
He handed Bryson a book. " He used the Greek number system".
Bryson glanced at the book. 
" He wanted to show how infinity worked".
Jessica grinned. " For a Christian, eternity". She looked at Bryson. " Bryson, we need to go".
They began to leave.
" One more thing Bryson".
" What's that?".
" There is no time in heaven".

research help: ' Infinity a graphic guide' by Brian Clegg and Oliver Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric