Tuesday, December 28, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 11

 the stranger who came to town page 11 by ric gustafson

As Homer waited for his car to be fixed, Pastor Winters walked in. Homer opened the door for him.
" Pastor Winters". Homer gave him a strange grin. " I was reading the church bulletin yesterday". 
" I hope it was informative". 
" It was". He stared at the pastor. " It said you have a bible study tomorrow".
" Yes we do".
" I'm not leaving for a few more days". He chuckled. " Would you mind if I came to the bible study?".
" Everyone is welcome".
" Great, see you tomorrow". He walked out. 
Pastor Winters put a paper and a soda on the counter.
Linda rang up the items. " Anything else Pastor?".
" No Linda". He picked up his items. " Did you see Mr Tang?".
" Yes". She smiled as another customer walked in. " I said hi to him".
" Every time I see him". He shook his head. " A chill goes up and down my spine".
" Really". She rang up items for the new customer. " I think he's really nice".
" Take care Linda". He walked out.
She smiled as she raised her healed arm up and down several times.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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