Thursday, November 25, 2021

Skywalker page 10

 Skywalker page 10 by ric gustafson

At the age of 22, Anakin was going to be a father. Anakin met with the Jedi Council. They decided not to promote him to Jedi Master. To Anakin, it was an insult. It made him enraged. The Chosen One again was being cast aside. Then the Jedi Council wanted Anakin to be a spy against his friend Palpatine. Anakin seeked comfort from Padme. She asked Anakin to speak with Palpatine about ending the war. Anakin refused.
That evening, Anakin joined Palpatine at the Galaxies Opera House. He told Anakin that he knew the Jedi Council was trying to oust him. Anakin no longer trusted the Jedi. They had asked him to be dishonest.
Anakin would not let go of Padme or his child. Anakin had visions of Padme dying in a fire.
He felt tortured.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Love Ric

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