Friday, December 24, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 6

 the stranger who came to town page 6 by ric gustafson

Homer quietly sat down in a pew. Pastor Winters was starting his sermon on I John 4. Homer yawned several times as he listened for twenty minutes. When the service ended, an elderly woman next to Homer stood up. 
" I don't think we've met". She winced as she tried to shake Homer's hand. " I'm Linda Langford".
" Homer Tang". He gave her a strange grin. " May I ask what happened to your shoulder?".
" I had surgery on it a couple of years ago". She frowned. " I have trouble lifting my left hand".
" I'm sorry to hear that". He put his hand on top of her left shoulder. Instant warmth came to her shoulder. She raised her left hand with ease.
Homer grinned. " I hope it get's better".
" Mr Tang, I have a favor to ask".
" What's that Josh?".
" Can you take Clarice back to the motel so she can help Dad?". Josh smiled. " I need to speak with Pastor Winters".
" Of course". Homer walked up to Pastor Winters. " Interesting sermon about false prophets".
" Pastor Winters, this is Homer Tang".
The Pastor stared at the man wearing a red shirt and dark sunglasses. 
" He's staying at the motel".
They shook hands. 
After he shook Homer's hand, a strange feeling came over Pastor Winters.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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