Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Skywalker page 14

 Skywalker page 14 by ric gustafson

Darth Sidious rushed to Darth Vader's side. His lungs were charred which made breathing difficult. His nerve endings were about destroyed. Darth Vader was taken to Coruscant and the Grand Republic Medical Facility. Vader's wounds were cleaned. He was encased in a cybernetic suit to support his breathing. 
A black mask was lowered over his face. A helmet was placed over his bald head. Anakin Skywalker was no more. 
Darth Vader became a cyborg of staggering strength. Vader asked about Padme. Sidious told him that she had died. His agony was worse than losing his mother. Sidious gave him a choice. He can turn his anger into defiant strength or die. 
Before Padme died, she gave birth to twins. The male was named Luke by his mother. The female was named Leia. The two babies were split up so the Sith would not find them. Padme was buried as a former Queen and politician. 

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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