Friday, November 19, 2021

Skywalker page 7

 Skywalker page 7 by ric gustafson

War began to plague Anakin's conscience. The Sith was gaining strength. Jedi principles were being compromised. The Separatists were being led by Darth Sidious. R2-D2 became a companion to Anakin. Anakin's friendship with Palpatine was getting stronger. Palpatine told him that he was the Chosen One. Anakin's feelings were being drawn to the dark side. Anakin began to feel that the Jedi's ideals were not his own. 
When Anakin turned 22, he found solace in battle and being with troopers. As the war went on, the Jedi were losing their popularity. Being called the Chosen One was taxing on Anakin. His desire for control ran against the ideals of the Order. The continuing war drained the supply chain and soldiers of the Order. 
Palpatine was showing more interest in Anakin each day. Anakin became his bodyguard. The Supreme Chancellor was becoming more weaker and frail by the day. Over time, Anakin lost faith in the Jedi. He violated their protocols time and time again. He still could not walk away. He owed them too much.
With Padme by his side, Anakin felt supported and loved. She was a light in his life. Unknown to the Jedi, Padme and Anakin were married on Naboo by a holy man. Anakin felt in control. Padme tried to bring an end to the war through the Galactic Senate. 

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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