Saturday, December 25, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 8

 the stranger who came to town page 8 by ric gustafson

Clarice entered the motel's lobby. She noticed Josh's dad was vacuuming. " Hi Mr Marcotte".
Brandon turned off the vacuum. " Hi Clarice". He put the vacuum away. " Thank you for agreeing to help me around the motel".
" Your welcome".
Brandon began to study the motel's financial ledger. " Where's Josh?".
" He wanted to talk to Pastor Winters". Her voice hesitated. " Mr Tang gave me a ride back".
" Something about him gives me the chills".
" What do you mean?". She gave him a shocked look. " He's a nice man who cares about people".
" How do you know that?".
" He healed me". She showed him her elbow and arm. " He touched them and they were healed".
" How do you know he healed you?".
" I could barely lift them". She nervously played with her hair. " And now I can".
They heard the front door open.
" Good afternoon Mr Marcotte and Clarice".

research help: original story

Merry Christmas. Love Ric

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