Monday, December 20, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 2

 the stranger who came to town page 2 by ric gustafson

Brandon was just finishing up his dinner. He heard the front door of the motel open. He looked over the counter. Seeing nobody, he sat back down. He was hoping a customer had walked in. 
A deep voice came from in front of the counter. " Hello".
Brandon stood up to see a tall man, He was wearing a red shirt and dark sunglasses.
" May I help you?".
" Yes, I was driving toward Marquette". He frowned. " Then I realized how late it is".
" That happens a lot here".
" I was wondering if I could get a room for tonight?".
" Sure we have plenty of rooms". He took out Room 12 key and handed it to the stranger. " Room 12, four rooms down on the left".
The stranger took out a black wallet. " How much is the room?".
" 40 dollars a night". He put a registration card in front of the stranger." But I'll give you a ten dollar discount if you eat at Flora's in the morning".
" Agreed". The stranger signed the card and gave Brandon $30.
With the key in hand, he walked toward the front door.
Brandon glanced at the card. " Welcome Mr Tang to the Smokey Flats Motel".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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