Friday, November 12, 2021

No Time page 10

 No Time page 10 by ric gustafson

Bryson and Jessica walked into the shop. " I've been waiting all day to get my watch back".
" I'll go get him". She walked into the back room.
They walked back out. Lester was holding an envelope. He handed it to Bryson. " Here's your repaired watch".
" Thank you". Bryson opened the envelope and took the watch out. He put it on. " It looks great".
Lester looked at Jessica. " How did the deliveries go today?".
" Great". She smiled at Bryson. " Bryson was a big help".
" Wonderful". He grinned at Bryson. " What did you learn from today?".
" From talking to these people today I learned a lot about time and heaven".
" Bryson told me he might take a class about heaven at Erskine College".
" That's great". Lester smiled at the young man. " Bryson always remember one thing".
" And what is that?".
" In Heaven there is no time".
" I'll remember that". He walked out.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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