Sunday, December 26, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 10

 the stranger who came to town page 10 by ric gustafson

Parnell Richards put $25.00 on the wooden counter. " When are these gas prices going to go down?".
" Hopefully soon". Linda Langford put the money into the register.
Mark Phipps walked in with Homer Tang.
" It looks like one of your belts needs to be replaced".
" How long would it take to replace it?".
" I have one in stock". He smiled. " Not long".
" Great, go ahead and do it".
Linda waved. " Mr Tang".
Homer smiled and walked over. "How are you Mrs Langford?". He smiled. " How is the shoulder?".
" Thanks to you". She raised her arm several times. " Good as new".
" That's great". He turned to leave.
" To show my gratitude Mr Tang". She smiled. " Would you like to come over and have diiner tomorrow night with my husband and I?". Her voice hesitated. " I make great pot roast".
Homer chuckled. " I would be delighted to".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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