Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Heaven 101 page 4

 Heaven 101 page 4 by ric gustafson

Pop looked at the clock. " It's 6 let's start". He wrote on the board. " Here is tonight's question?". He smiled. " Does Judaism believe in heaven?".
Bryson raised his hand. " Yes".
" And what is the term they use for heaven?".
Bryson smiled. " Shamayim".
" And what is the definition of Shamayim?".
A female raised her hand. " The dwelling place of God and other heavenly beings".
" And what do they call the home of the living?".
A male raised his hand. " Erets".
" And what's the term for the world to come?".
A female raised her hand. " Olam Habah
" Bryson, what is the term for the abode of the righteous dead?".
" Sheol".
" Correct". He looked at the time. " Next time, we will look at how Islam looks at heaven".

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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