Friday, December 17, 2021

Heaven 101 page 9

 Heaven 101 page 9 by ric gustafson

Pop looked at the time. " It's 6 let's start". He stared at the students. " As far as the angels, who are the seraphim?".
Bryson raised his hand. " The holiest of angels".
" How are they described in the book of Isaiah?".
A male raised his hand. " They have six wings and circle God's throne".
" And what do they chant all day?".
A female raised her hand. " Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts".
" That is correct". Pop smiled. " What are the cherubim?".
Bryson raised his hand. " They work on heavenly tasks".
" What else do they do?".
A male raised his hand. " They are involved with celestial enforcement".
" Correct". Pop looked at the time. " Our last class, we will discuss what does Hell have to do with Heaven?

research help: ' the complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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