Wednesday, December 29, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 12

 the stranger who came to town page 12 by ric gustafson

Josh walked into the lobby of the motel. His father was filling the snack and candy machine. " Morning Dad".
" Morning Josh". He kept filling the machine. " How was the breakfast bible study at Flo's?".
" Great as usual". His voice hesitated. " As I was leaving, Mr Tang was coming in".
" Something about him always bothers me".
" I cleaned his room after he left". He frowned. " I noticed something strange on the dresser".
Brandon put the candy and snack box underneath the front counter. " Like what?".
" It looked like a small statue that you could worship".
" I feel strange when he's around".
" I feel strange around him too".
" Are you going to church to help them put together Sunday's bulletins?".
" I am". He hugged his dad. " Love you".
" Love you too Josh". He smiled at his son, " Say hello to Clarice".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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