Thursday, December 30, 2021

12: Simon bar Jonah

 12: Simon bar Jonah by ric gustafson

Simon bar Jonah a fisherman became St Peter. He is the rock on which the Church was founded. Peter was stocky, muscular at five feet four inches. He had a fair complexion and a curly beard. Peter was born in Bethsaida. Simon went to school at the local synagogue. As a teen, Simon went to work as a fisherman. In his late teens or early twenties, a bride was selected for him. We know hardly anything about his wife. In his early thirties, Simon lived in Capernaum with his family. Jesus called Simon Cephas or Peter. 
Peter was loyal to and loved Jesus. Peter's home became Jesus's headquarters. Peter was leader of the 12. He was outspoken and inquisitive. Peter acknowledged Jesus as Messiah and the Son of God. Peter was at the Transfiguration and walked on water. Peter was at Gethsemane. 
After Jesus was lifted up to Heaven, Peter took command of the Christian community. Peter was beheaded in A.D. 67.

research help: ' The Twelve' by C Bernard Ruffin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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