Thursday, December 30, 2021

the stranger who came to town page 13

 the stranger who came to town page 13 by ric gustafson

Josh was folding bulletins. He heard a knock. 
" Hi Josh".
" Hi Mr Tang". He turned to the man helping him fold. " Frank, this is Mr Tang who is staying at the motel".
They shook hands. " Nice to meet you".
" Josh, where is Pastor Winters bible study?".
" Across the hall".
As Mr Tang walked out, he noticed a small safe in the corner of the workroom.
A short time later, Jessica ran into the bible study.
" Pastor Winters, we've been robbed".
" What!". Pastor Winters jumped up from his chair. " How?".
" Mr Tang wanted to speak with Josh". Jessica began to cry. " He was waiting in the workroom".
Josh walked in. " What's wrong?".
" Have you seen Mr Tang?".
" He quickly walked past me". He frowned. " He said he had to get back to the motel". He frowned. " What's wrong?".
Jessica dabbed her eyes with a tissue. " The church has been robbed".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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